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A crisis of EPIC proportions!

My laptop sat open on my hotel room bed, the curser blinking on a stark white page. That report wasn’t going to write itself, but that wasn’t my biggest problem. I was in full-on crisis management mode—if you call hyperventilating in front of the full-length bathroom mirror managing a crisis.

I spun round and round, examining my body from every possible angle, but there was no denying it, this was a disaster of monumental proportions.

The first half of the day had been magical.

I’d played in the ocean with Kai.

I’d taken a drive in the country with Kai.

I’d gone parasailing with Kai.

He’d even held my hand while we were hundreds of feet in the air. Sigh! The common denominator of all that magic was Kai.

After our parasailing adventure, he’d dropped me off at my hotel so I could have a couple hours of down time before he came back to take me out for the evening. He wouldn’t tell me exactly where we were going, but at some point that night, we’d definitely be eating the dinner Lolani had prepared for us.

The only other clue I had was his last words to me. “Don’t forget to wear a bathing suit beneath your clothes.”

Sure. No problem.

Who came to Hawaii without a bathing suit? I sure didn’t. I’d ordered one off the internet long before I’d even landed this job—back when I was trying to “manifest” my best life with my vision board and cheapo Hawaiian decorations.

But I’d been so busy with interviews, packing, and moving that I hadn’t taken the suit out of its cellophane package to try it on until five minutes ago.

That’s when my nightmare began.

It wasn’t the fit—a ladies large had been my best friend for the past ten years. The suit fit like a glove. It wasn’t the color—as it turns out, iridescent navy-blue was my color. Who knew?

But looking at the way pattern on the fabric interacted with the curves of my body was the visual equivalent of nails on the chalkboard. Yes, it was that bad! Remember my slight obsession with dolphins? Well, this classy bathing suit was covered with glittering, silver-metallic dolphins facing every which way.

Okay, so I allowed my inner five-year-old to make my fashion decisions the day I bought it. Sue me.

But wasn’t about to take all the blame for purchasing this hideous suit. I’m pretty sure some laws about truth in advertising had been broken when the clothing company used a teeny-tiny model to market this suit to a robust gal like myself. The suit looked amazing on her. How was I supposed to understand the ramifications of putting that pattern on my curves?

The model looked adorable covered in dolphins. But I cringed every time I caught a glimpse of my caboose in the mirror.

Those sweet little dolphins that looked normal everywhere else on the suit, looked more like bulbous-headed beluga whales on my backside!

If Kai wanted me to wear my bathing suit, that meant he had plans for me to use it. If I was going to use it, that meant he was going to see it.

That. Could. Not. Happen.

I looked at the clock and chewed my bottom lip. Time was slipping through my fingers. There was no way I could go shopping to replace this thing, but I wasn’t going anywhere in that train wreck of a bathing suit, either.

My eyes darted back to the mirror. I sucked in my gut and the dolphins got tinier and cuter. If only there was a way to suck in my butt!

I’d never questioned my love for delectable treats more than I did in that moment. I was going to have to do something about my donut habit… on Monday. There was no sense in turning over a new leaf mid-week.

Then I remembered the small shop off the hotel lobby. I’d hardly paid any attention to the bathing suits hanging in the window, but now, they were my only hope.

I hauled beluga butt over to my bed and dove onto it, reaching for the phone on the side table. The concierge was more than happy to bring a new suit up for me, especially considering the hefty price tag!

I’d almost choked when she’d quoted a price of two hundred sixty-nine dollars for what amounted to about a square-yard of fabric. But then I had a flashback of what my rear end looked like my current suit and was convinced that this purchase was well-worth the investment.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door. I rushed over to take a gander at my brand-new, sensible, yet cute bathing suit.

I flung the door open in all my sparkly-porpoise glory and was horrified to see Kai’s smiling face looking down at me. An icy chill ran down my spine and my hands grew clammy. This wasn’t how our quasi-date was supposed to start off. Not at all!

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