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I look up from my desk as Khloi and Lucky walk through the door both smiling. It warms my heart to see Khloi happy after everything we went through, she deserves it more than anyone else.

“Well if this isn’t a surprise!” I say smiling at them.

“Don’t be a bitch. We wanted to see if you wanted to grab lunch with us,” Lucky says, sticking her tongue out at me.

“You know lunch sounds really good right now. Let me tell Ghost that I’m leaving.” I tell them.

“The guys are in a meeting. Let’s just go and we'll be back before they know we were even gone,” Khloi teases.

I don’t say anything for a long moment, thinking over how Ghost is going to feel if he finds out I left without telling him. I mean it’s just lunch. How bad could it really go? Yeah, I should have known when I thought that life was going to show me just how bad it could be. But I’m hungry and ready for food and don’t want to wait on them to get out of a meeting that could take hours.

“Let’s go. I’m starving and don’t want to wait on them to figure it out.” I tell them smiling as I pull my purse out of my desk.

We make it to the restaurant and end up having to wait for a table and then for our food. We get to talking and laughing, losing all track of time. I reach into my purse looking for my phone realizing that I forgot my phone at the office and we’ve been gone for almost three hours. Looking over at Lucky, I see her checking her phone her eyes going wide.

“Your phone is on silent and my brother and Ghost have been blowing it up for the last hour and a half?” I question her.

She looks over at me, “Yes they have. Let’s get going and I’ll send a message letting them know that we are good.”

“That sounds good,” I tell her, standing quickly causing my head to spin. I stumble back a step right into a very hard chest.

“Falling over will not save you, Tiny.”

“Will I’m sorry, cover it?” I ask him, not turning around.

“Answer two questions for me: one, why did you leave without telling me anything?”

“You were in a closed-door meeting and I didn’t want to interrupt it,” I tell him.

“Okay. Two, when did you realize that you didn’t have your phone?” he asks.

“About five minutes before you walked through that door,” I tell him with a shrug.

Ghost relaxes just a fraction at my answer. He kisses the top of my head, relaxing just another fraction, “Let’s go home. I need you right now.”

“That sounds like a great idea. I’m not feeling well right now either.” I sigh.

“What’s wrong? Do you need to see a doctor?” Ghost asks me worriedly.

“No, I just wanna go home and relax in your arms,” I whisper to him, leaning into him.

“Alright tell your friends goodbye,” he whispers.

“Alright, ladies, I’m going to go. Thank you so much for lunch but I’m not feeling well,” I explain.

Lucky and Khloi give me a smile and we hug each other, promising that we would do this again soon. Ghost and I make it to the car just as everything I’ve had for lunch comes up.

“That’s it, you’re going to the doc. That’s not okay!” Ghost says as he holds my hair back.

“No, I'm fine, it's okay. I think I just ate something bad and was overly stressed about the cases. Let’s just go get some rest.

“If you still aren’t doing any better tomorrow then we are going to see the doctor.”

I just nod as he helps me into the car.
