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“I can promise you that you don’t want to know,” I tell him with a wink.

Phantom starts fake gagging and shaking like he just saw something completely nasty, “NO! NO! NO! Just no. You’re very correct that I do not want to know that.”

Spook and Shade laugh along with me.

“Now that Trixie is found and settling into the search for the other girls that have gone missing under the same suspicion they did, what are we working on?” Shade asks.

“Spook, did you get the file for the woman and child that are trying to get away from the abusive husband back from Tech?” I ask him.

“I did but there isn’t anything on the woman before she married the fucker she is running from. It’s like she didn’t exist before then,” he glares at the tablet in front of him.

“Send the file over to everyone so we can all see them,” I tell him and a few seconds later everyone has the file.

I still have yet to figure out why this woman looks so familiar to me. I watch everyone else as they look over the file, not seeing the same recognition that Spook and I have until I get to Phantom. He looks long and hard at the photo. His head snaps up complete confusion in his eyes.

“This can’t fucking be right. Are you sure you have the right picture?” he demands, shaking.

“That’s the photo that was sent to us with the file. Spook and I have been trying to figure out why she looks so familiar to us. With no luck. Do you know why?” I ask him.

“Are you fucking kidding? I know her and the child. How could she do this to me? I don’t understand!” Haunt whispers. Our usual cool and collected medic starts to vibrate with anger.

“Haunt, what the fuck? Tell us what the fuck is going on,” Mirage growls.

Haunt stands, pulling out his wallet and tossing a worn and tattered photo out onto the table. I look at the photo and that’s when it hits me. The woman is Haunt’s dead fiance and their baby.

Holy shit. This is not going to be good, is my only thought before Haunt storms out of the room.
