Page 62 of Shake Up My Life

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I don’t say anything right away. Instead, I clear my throat and look over to Brianne before I shift my attention back to Tanner. Shaking my head slowly, I refuse to believe that I knocked that cunt up.

I fucking refuse.

“We’ll get down to the bottom of this real fucking fast,” I announce as I lift my hand and cup her cheek, my eyes searching her and holding her gaze. “And I couldn’t give a fuck about her, buttercup. You’re my woman. Just you.”

She doesn’t respond immediately, she continues to watch me, then as she opens her mouth, the house starts to fill with brothers. Looking over to Brent, I wince at the sight of him handcuffing Sinks.

When Brent picks him up, Sinks looks over in my direction. “You brought in a fucking pig?” he asks, then he spits at my feet. “You’re goddamn worthless and you’ll get yours.”

I’m just about as pissed off as he is. I wanted to make Sinks pay for what he fucking did, not get thrown into a goddamn cushy jail cell. I wanted to make him suffer, make him fucking cry. I want him to regret being alive, let alone what he did to Tanner.

“Watch your back on the inside,” I hiss as Brent drags him out of the room.

Prez walks around me and toward Brianne. He stops next to her, then shifts his attention up to meet mine. He lets out a whistle as he shakes his head.

“You got a whole-ass mess here, brother. I do not envy you,” he says with a low whistle.

Lifting my hand, I flip him off, then focus my attention back on my woman.



Except the way she’s watching me right now, I can tell that she is rethinking that. Not that she has a choice, because she doesn’t. Tanner is my woman and that’s just the way it fucking is. No matter what the outcome with Brianne, the only thing that matters is that Tanner is mine.

Shaking my head, I wrap my arms around her and pull her against my chest before I lower my head and press my lips against the shell of her ear.

“None of that shit matters, Tanner. All that matters is that you’re safe. That’s all.”

“It matters to me if she’s pregnant by you. It matters.”

Lifting my head, I look into her eyes before I clear my throat. “We’ll find out the truth, then we’ll go from there. Worrying about it, stressing out, it does no good until we know the fucking facts.”

Tanner doesn’t say anything right away, she watches me for a moment, then nods her head once.

“Okay?” I ask.

“Okay,” she whispers.

“Now,” I say. “Let’s deal with this shit and get you home.”

“Brent?” she asks.

I grunt. I’d almost forgotten about that jackass. I jerk my chin toward the door, and we leave Prez with Brianne. He’ll get her situated and taken back to the clubhouse.

Brent took advantage of me being distracted by Tanner and he’s taken Sinks out of the room and no doubt will not be turning the other cheek so that I can kill the fuck. He’s likely going to drag the fucker to jail which he thinks will be some kind of protection for him.

Nothing can protect this fuck.

And I know that he’ll lock Brianne’s ass up, keeping us from not only finding out the truth about what happened today, but also the truth about the supposed kid she’s carrying. Something that I absolutely do not fucking believe.

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