Page 14 of Alluring Serenity

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“Adam.” I blush. “Would you want me to call you… that?”

“Mmm, I don’t know. Let’s try it out.”

His lips claim mine, and I feel his desire pressing against me. The kiss feels good. Everyone says love makes you crazy, and I believe it. My desire for him is stronger than my annoyance. He avoided my question and is now distracting me. Unfortunately, it’s working. I’m not sure if my bra strap slid down on its own or if Adam helped it. I’m so desperate for more of him. I want him everywhere. It’s never felt this good with any other boys.

I’m not so naïve. I’ve made out, experienced some heavy petting, but it’s all been fully clothed. Am I an idiot for how easily I fall for him, forgive him, tolerate his bullshit? Yes. Yes, yes, and yes. I know this. Even the smartest of girls can fall victim to a gorgeous face, skilled kisser, and charming flirt. Anyone who would judge me has clearly never met Adam King.

“Adam!” someone calls from above us. “Adam!”

I jump back, startled by the harsh voice. I sink farther into the water to make sure my breasts are hidden as I face a very angry Ashley King. Sure, I stripped down to my bra and panties yesterday, but somehow, this feels more… intimate. And I feel extremely guilty having been caught like this with Adam. Ashley is too old for me and doesn’t want me. I’m not doing anything wrong. But it feels wrong. All those good feelings and desire I had have now vanished.

“Get your ass out of there now before I come in and drag it out.” Ashley thunders.

“What’s your problem?” Adam yells back.

“My problem is you were supposed to pick up Zuri from Gia’s house thirty minutes ago.”

Thirty minutes? I feel horrible that I didn’t know Adam was supposed to pick up Zuri. I can’t stand to see the two brothers looking at each other with such hostility. “It’s my fault,” I blurt out.

“No!” Ashley roars at me. “Don’t try to cover for him.” I cower, and he looks slightly regretful, but for the most part, he’s still furious. He narrows his eyes on Adam. “Get your ass out. I won’t repeat myself again. I don’t care if you’ve got a boner or your dick’s out—not like everyone on Sunshine Coast hasn’t already seen it. I want you out and on your way to apologize to Zuri. You might fuck up with me all the time, but you won’t treat her like shit.”

Several emotions course through me at once. Shame and dread fill me for Ashley catching me with Adam. Poor Zuri. We let her down. I didn’t know, but I somehow feel responsible. Adam probably feels horrible, and if he hadn’t been distracted by me, then maybe he wouldn’t have let his siblings down. Ashley is upset for his little sister and now angry with Adam. This is all a mess, and I have the overwhelming need to fix it.

“I’ll get out after you two leave, but I’d like to apologize to Zuri as well.”

“No. And if you’re smart, you’ll stay away from all of us,” Ashley barks.

I shrink back, but when embarrassed and angry tears fall, I begin to wade toward the shoreline. “You know what?” I yell. “You’re an asshole, Ashley. What is your problem? I only want to say sorry.”

He shakes his head and stomps away. Adam still hasn’t moved. When I look back at him, he scoffs. “Come here. Let’s not let him ruin the rest of the day.”

“Are you not going to go apologize?”

“I live with her. I’ll see her tonight. But who I don’t live with and won’t see tonight is you. So come here. Let me get all the time with you that I can.”

My body is still tense and stiff when he pulls me through the water and back to him. The water seems colder now. There even seems to be more clouds in the sky. The forest doesn’t feel as magical. None of this has dampened Adam’s mood any as he groans into my hair. “Come on, Sugar. He really upset you, didn’t he? He shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.”

“He was right. We lost track of time. Zuri was depending on us.”

“Like Gia’s mother doesn’t know where we live. I’m nobody’s daddy. Except yours.” He nibbles at my ear, but I’m not feeling it. He finally acknowledges my lack of interest in us picking up where we left off.

“All right.” He releases me and I instantly feel colder and miss his touch. I’m worried he’s disappointed in me now, too, but instead, he says, “I’m going to go tell my baby sister that I’m sorry I let her down. And tonight, I’m going to take you for a sunset picnic and show you how sorry I am I dragged you into the middle of Ashley’s drama.” He glides up to me and then gives me a quick kiss on the tip of my nose. “Sound good?”

“It does.”

“See you at seven?”

“Seven, it is.”

* * *

Fran is standing in the kitchen, nursing a hot cup of tea when I walk in. She takes in my drowned-rat appearance and frowns.

“What?” My smile feels strained, but I’m hoping she won’t be able to tell.

“You and Adam have been spending quite a bit of time together.”

Does she feel like I’ve been ignoring her? Have I? We were doing stuff all the time together, and now I’ve been so wrapped up in Adam. “I’m sorry. I’ll tell Adam that I’m busy with you tomorrow. We can go back to that bakery and for a hike.”

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