Page 11 of Alluring Serenity

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Adam was supposed to take me out in the canoe today, but he had to cancel. Fran isn’t feeling well. She assured me it wasn’t anything serious, but she wanted to stay in bed today and rest. It’s my first day alone since I came to Sunshine Coast. I’ve been out and about enough with Fran or Adam to kind of know my way around, so maybe I should go ahead and go for a canoe ride by myself.

I hop on Fran’s bicycle and pedal my way along the trail, waving to people I pass when I enter town. As I travel toward the road that leads to all the outdoor and sports shops, I can hear water off in the distance. The fresh air feels amazing. I open my eyes and pedal faster. Once I’ve gained speed, I hold out my arms, close my eyes, and turn my face toward the sun, smiling to myself.

It took longer traveling by bike, but it was worth it. Now I’m standing here, staring at my rented canoe and wondering, Now what?

“Are you wondering how it works?”

I jump at Ashley’s voice next to me. I release a nervous laugh and shake my head. “I know how it works. I’m just not as brave as I was ten minutes ago.”

“Are you going alone?” he asks as he looks around.

“Adam—never mind. Yes. The plan is to canoe my way down the majestic waters and, hopefully, not fall out.” Ashley’s head nods, but his frown is saying this might not be the best idea. “Should I request a life jacket?”

“They didn’t give you one?”

“It might be in there. I don’t know. I was trying to be funny. Sorry, that was a bad joke.” Why am I so awkward around him?

Ashley rubs his jaw and looks around, again. “Hold on,” he grumbles.

He’s so grumpy. I’m beginning to wonder if the smiling, fun guy from the bakery was all in my imagination. I study his features as his fingers quickly tap away on his phone. He and Adam favor each other quite a bit in their looks, other than the fact that Ashley’s features seem rougher and more pronounced. And more mature.

“All right. Let’s go.”

“Let’s go?”

Ashley looks at me like I’m an idiot. “I’m not letting you go alone. Who is going to pull you out of the water?”

A part of me wants to argue that he can’t just barge in on my canoe trip. The more reasonable side acknowledges that I’m clueless and should probably accept his offer.

“That’s a valid point.”

“Well… get in.” He gestures toward the red canoe.

“Yes, sir.”

“Quit with the sir thing. I’m not that old.”

I smirk at him. “True. And I’m not that young.” I regret the words as soon as I meet his eyes, and he averts his. I’ve made things awkward… again. Clearing my throat, I climb into the canoe, and Ashley pushes it off the shore and into the crystal-clear waters. He pulls out a life jacket from underneath his seat and hands it to me. While I put it on, he paddles. The water is gentle as it carries us along. Soon we’re surrounded by evergreen trees, and I inhale the fresh air and close my eyes, tilting my face toward the sky and feeling the warmth of the sun.

“Isn’t this amazing?” I open my eyes and look around. “It’s like we’re inside a painting. One of God’s incredible canvases.” A thought pops into my head, and I get excited as I tell Ashley my idea. “Or one of those canvases from the bakery. Have you ever watched the movie Mary Poppins? They jumped inside the chalk drawings and were transported to the most beautiful of places. They would go on adventures through the new colorful and magical world. Isn’t that what this feels like? Like we’re in a painting with how perfect and enchanting this is. It doesn’t seem like we’re in the real world. It’s so peaceful.” Ashley continues to paddle as he stares at me. I can’t read his expression, so I begin to feel silly. “Do I sound crazy? I’m over here comparing our trip down the river to a children’s movie. Saying it feels like we jumped inside one of those paintings at the bakery.”

“No.” Ashley continues to paddle us along. A few minutes later, he says, “I know exactly what you mean. And… I feel the same way.”

We don’t speak any more, but it’s a comfortable silence. We’re both simply enjoying the beauty surrounding us and just… being present. Here. In the moment. There are no electronics, no noise of hustle and bustle or need to be anywhere; it honestly feels like time doesn’t even exist.

“We’re going to start heading back now. I’m sorry, but I have to get a job done before the day’s over.”

“Oh, that’s okay. Thank you. I loved this. This is more than I was hoping for anyway.”

Ashley seems uncomfortable with the compliment. He averts his eyes and then grumbles, “You’re welcome. But can I ask you something, and will you answer honestly?”

“Of course.”

“Was this more than you were hoping because you expected not to enjoy being out here… with me? Or that you didn’t end up in the water?”

I bite my lip to keep from giggling at his serious expression. “Honestly, I’m shocked you even offered, but I’m so grateful that you stayed out here as long as you did. I didn’t expect to get this much of your time. I know how busy you are. I never doubted I’d enjoy this. And not drowning is a nice surprise.”

“The trip’s not over yet.”

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