Page 97 of Deception

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“I don’t know what the hell that was about, Killer, but how about you save that shit for someone who wants it?” His face was a disgusted sneer as he stepped further back.

Like he couldn’t stand to be close to me.

“Hey! Watch how you talk to her.” Darrio’s voice was hard, and I felt his warmth behind me.

“What’s the matter with you, Varon? Why are you acting this way?” Remy’s confusion matched my own.

“I’ll talk to her however I damn well please. No one asked her to throw herself at me. I don’t know what would make her think I want her touching me, period.” He raked me with a loathsome gaze. “Considering she lets anyone touch her, I’m not sure what all I could catch.”

Darrio moved from behind me, and I only just managed to throw my arm out in time to stop him from rushing forward.

Something was completely, utterly wrong. Varon was acting as though the past few weeks hadn’t happened, like we were back to our fledgling relationship that was built on mutual hatred.

“Varon, whatever this is, it’s not funny. I don’t know if you’re pulling a prank, or if you’re testing me, but whatever the fuck it is, you need to stop.”

“Trust me, Killer, I don’t think anything about this is funny. No one told me the rules of the game you’re playing, so I’m outta here. Next time, keep your hands to yourself.” With one last glare, he stepped to the side to get around us, only to stop again with his eyes lasered on my neck.

On the necklace he had clasped there only hours ago.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Now you’re stealing my shit?” His frown had become a downright furious scowl.

I couldn’t have prepared myself for what he was about to do, but I should have seen it coming.

Moving like lightning, he reached out and grasped the pendant, ripping it from my neck with one hard jerk.

I choked on a breath, and my hands flew to my throat. He may as well have flayed it open with his bare hands. The only thing holding the gaping emotional wound together was the tight grip I held.

“Varon, what the fuck?” Sam stepped up beside me, one hand on my lower back. “You just gave that shit back to her.”

“Back to her? I would never give her something like this in the first place.”

I tried to find my voice to defend myself. To say that yes, he had, in fact, given it to me only a few hours ago, but I couldn’t find the words.

“You weren’t like this last night. Where is this coming from?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, any of you, but this belongs to me. It’s a family heirloom. I would never give it to anyone, so I’m taking it back.” He pocketed the necklace, and with a final glare at me, he shoved past us and strode out of sight.

“Fuck, I’m sorry, Fury. Are you gonna be alright?” Remy stepped up close on my other side and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He gave me a squeeze, and I only then realized my hands were still clutching my throat. I let them fall to my sides because I wasn’t sure what else to do with them.

I wanted to wrap them around my middle to hold myself together, but I figured that would be just as pointless as holding my throat closed. The soft skin of my neck burned where the necklace had scraped it when Varon had torn it free. The tiny abrasions seemed to pulse in time with my heartbeat.

How did I answer that? Was I going to be alright? I certainly didn’t feel like it.

I barely had a chance to become accustomed to Varon and me being something besides enemies, yet now that we were back to where we started, it was like someone had torn out a vital piece of me. A piece that no one but Varon could ever replace.

Since I couldn’t speak, I did the only other thing I was capable of.

I cried.

The first cascade of tears had barely slid down my flushed cheeks when I heard what could only be described as a super-villain chuckle coming from behind me. The four of us whirled around to find the only person I wanted to see less than Varon.

“What’s wrong, pretty girl?”

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