Page 16 of Deception

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“How long do we have to stay here?”

“The answer hasn’t changed, Riv. We rode with a group. We can’t leave until the majority is ready to go. That’s how going out with friends works.” I was being snappy even though I shouldn’t be. It wasn’t her fault I couldn’t seem to shake off the sexual frustration Darrio had awoken in me.

“Then I’m gonna need alcohol. Copious amounts.”

“On that, we can agree.” The loft was teeming with mortals and gods alike. From what I could gather, only a handful of Divinity students had been stopped at the gate, but their absence was barely noticeable in the crush of bodies grinding to the music.

I had to admit, whoever was in charge of the playlist was doing a pretty damn good job. It was a decent mix of pop, house, and hip-hop, and I was determined to get River out onto the dance floor before the night was over. She’d refused the night we became friends, but this time, there’d be no denying me.

A nice buzz will loosen that stick up her ass.

“I’ll be back.” I wove through the crowd in search of the source of the freely flowing alcohol. Everyone had a cup in their hand, and I had every intention of joining their number.

When a group shifted to one side, I caught sight of the breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the wide open concept space. Lining the surface were at least three dozen bottles of liquor.

I grabbed two cups from a stack, only for drops of brown liquid to splash out onto the marble countertop. A quick check of the other towers of cups revealed more dirty ones than clean. With a frustrated sigh, I gathered what I could, searching for the garbage can.

“Animals.” How hard was it for them to toss their cups in the trash?

“For once, I agree with you.” The deep voice over my shoulder had me whirling too fast for safety, but luckily I just bumped my hip against the counter. If I’d barreled into Varon again, my only course of action would have been to withdraw from Divinity immediately.

“Do we have to stay and clean this up?”

“I hired a cleaning service. I’m not picking up after grown ass people who can’t be bothered to throw their own shit away.”

“This was all you?”

“I organized.” Varon lifted a shoulder in a nonchalant shrug, but he eyed me closely.

He wants my approval. Or at the very least, my reaction.

So rather than give it to him, I grabbed two new cups and started to mix drinks for River and me. He watched as I poured a generous amount of vodka into each ice filled cup, then topped them off with some cranberry juice. I didn’t know if River liked vodka cranberries, but she was damn well gonna like it tonight.

“Thanks for this.” Dammit. My plan had been to brush past him and ignore that he was still waiting for a response. My self-control was seriously lacking.

“I didn’t do it for you.”

And there it was. The reason I should have stuck to my plan.

I lifted my drink toward him in a mock salute before returning to River.

“Fighting with Varon again?” She took the proffered drink, her eyebrow quirking as she peeked inside the cup before taking a sip. As soon as it hit her tongue, she wrinkled her nose and smacked her lips.

“No. Trying to be nice to Varon only for him to be a total dick. Again. Very different.” I sipped my own drink.

“What is it with you guys? You’re always at each other’s throats.”

That nearly made me choke. “Are you serious? When am I ever at his throat? I’ve never done anything to him, he’s just been an ass since the moment he met me that first night.”

“You don’t think you antagonize him?”

“I don’t see how.”


“What the hell does that mean?” Now I was getting seriously pissed. If there was one thing I was certain of in this world, it was that Varon was a grade-A asshole and I was blameless in his hatred of me.

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