Page 15 of Deception

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Instinctively, I leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips that I hoped would calm him down. Heading into our first night out since starting our new lives in a shitty mood would ruin it for him, and that wasn’t fair.

I pulled back, my hand still cupping his jaw as I tipped my forehead to rest against his. No matter how much I told myself I needed to focus on me, that I couldn’t trust men, the love I had for Darrio hadn’t diminished in the slightest. Just breathing him in like this was soothing nerves I hadn’t even realized were frazzled.

The hand on my knee squeezed again before sliding up my thigh as he shifted toward me.

His lips were plush and perfect when he dipped in to kiss me again. It was slow and sweet, and it made my heart ache with longing. I knew there were other people in the vehicle, and though public displays weren’t my jam, they could all kiss my ass.

Actually, Darrio could kiss my ass. He could kiss any part of me he wanted as long as he continued to make me feel like this. My heart pounded rapidly, beating against the constraints of my rib cage like it could get to him if it tried hard enough.

Our lips moved together like we’d never skipped a beat, heat building low in my abdomen that had me shifting to my right so we were fully facing each other. The movement made my dress ride up again, and Darrio took advantage by placing his free hand on my other leg. He slid them up and down my exposed flesh deliberately, delicately, and my pussy started to thrum at the proximity. It knew what he could do with those hands.

So many emotions swirled inside me and I called myself stupid in turns for letting him back in and for pushing him away in the first place. The things he made me feel were just… wow. He released my lips and moved to my jaw, nibbling at the tender skin on the underside. I fought back a whimper of pleasure, still vaguely aware we weren’t alone in the SUV.

When he reached my neck, I slid my hands over his shoulders and around his nape, holding him to me. I didn’t want him to stop, audience be damned. He nipped at the flesh and the spasm in my pussy had my legs clenching together, trapping his hands in place.

This was bad. It was so damn good, but it was very, very bad. If he got me any more worked up, everyone was going to see me ride his cock all the way into the city, and I didn’t think that was the kind of reputation I was going for.


Damn, it was tempting. He was so fucking beautiful, and I was so turned on. There was a very good chance I wouldn’t be able to walk straight when we got out of the vehicle.

After a last lingering kiss against the hollow of my throat, he pulled back, our quiet breaths shallow and quick as they flowed between our lips. His palms still rested heavily on my naked thighs, and my own remained behind him, one threaded through the short hairs at his nape while the other had slid down between his shoulder blades.

“I fucking miss you, Red.” His voiceless whisper caressed my lips.

Shot straight to the heart.

“I know.” It wasn’t arrogance, only truth. I did know he missed me, and it was my one fault for pulling away like I had. It was etched on his face every time he looked at me. I felt it in every innocuous touch when we came into contact.

It was in the ravenous hunger of his kisses.

I was about to apologize for the distance between us when the SUV drew to a stop. I glanced past Darrio to see the lights of the city behind him. The sound of cars and pedestrians crashed around me like a wave of noise that had been blocked out by our intimate connection.

“Do we just call you when we’re ready, or will you be out here all night?” The driver answered Rocky, but I couldn’t make out exactly what he said.

The rest of the group was already climbing out onto the sidewalk and Ben had lifted the lever beside his seat to let us out. Darrio went first, then held out both hands to assist me. I appreciated it, but the damn dress was already so high. No matter what I did, it was going to rise again.

To my surprise, he reached in and grabbed me by my waist and lifted me out in one swift movement. I managed to hold the hem of the dress down until my feet were firmly on the ground.

Darrio’s hands lingered on my waist longer than was strictly necessary, but the heat of his large palms seeped through the dress and melted my insides.

Which were already melted. He double melted them. That was one hot sex god.

A distant honk reminded me where we were, and my eyes flicked up to find Ben watching us again. I realized we were still standing between the door and the body of the SUV, and Ben had the handle in his hand.

“Oh, sorry.” I stepped aside and Darrio let his hands fall as he followed my move. I missed the heat, but its absence cleared the fog of lust that had taken over my thoughts.

Like she could sense I needed space from my own personal god of seduction, River came to my side and grabbed my elbow. She may act gruff, but she was intuitive and caring.

“Come on. You dragged me here, you’re my buffer against people trying to talk to me. Haul ass, it’s cold out here.”

See? Total softy.

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