Page 11 of Deception

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Not good, not good, not good…

I gave a gentle push, but still stayed silent. Instead of reaching behind himself to open the door, he only shook his head. Then he dipped lower. With each millimeter, it became harder and harder to breathe.

What was he doing? Was he… was he about to kiss me? The prospect excited me way more than it should have. I could feel heat from his lips on my own, the soft brush of his exhalation tickling the tender skin.

I could have sworn I felt the barest whisper of contact before he veered to the side and his lips were against my ear.

“They’re still close. Stay quiet.”

Calm down, nipples, this isn’t about you.

I nodded, which only made his lips brush my ear again, and this time I was certain I felt the graze of teeth on my lobe. The rigid erection I was doing my level best to ignore jumped against my stomach and I barely repressed the moan that tried to escape my throat.

Bad idea, Theodora, bad fucking idea. He’s an asshole. An asshole who fucks like a sex god, but an asshole. The biggest one.

And yet reminding myself of the facts did nothing to detract from the fantasy of him gripping the backs of my thighs and lifting me until my sex was lined up perfectly with his. Of course, in this fantasy my pesky jeans were no longer a factor and there was a bit more room in the tiny closet. He would push inside me and bring me to the edge in minutes, just like he had before—

A groan sounded in the confined space, but it was far deeper than any sound I could have ever emitted. My eyes flew open—I’d never even realized they had fallen closed—and I saw that Varon had let his head fall back… and that my nails were curled tightly into his shirt, digging into the hard muscle of his chest.

There may have also been some subtle pelvic rocking going on, but since it was moving both of us, I wasn’t sure who was actually creating the motion. Either way, it was making me even wetter, which was a bad, bad thing.

“Are they gone?” Damn, even I could hear the neediness in my voice, and the jump of his cock against me said he did, too.


It was like he’d fired a starting gun. My hand was on the doorknob and twisting as soon as I’d heard the “y” in yes.

The way we tumbled out was almost comical, something out of an old slapstick silent film. Thankfully, his balance and reflexes were better than mine, because he once again reached out to steady me. As soon as I was stable, he jerked his hands away and stuffed them into his pockets.

A move that drew my eyes down to his crotch again, but this time, the light shining in from the windows had to be illuminating my flushed cheeks.

What now? My instinct was to thank him, but for what? He could have just as easily told me to make a break for it and we wouldn’t have been caught. But if we’d run, I wouldn’t have heard the conversation between Alvina and Brodgan. I still wasn’t sure what to make of it, but it had piqued my interest to be sure.

“What do you think they were talking about?” The question was past my lips before I could think better of trying to have an actual conversation with Varon.

Rather than being a dick, he surprised me with a real answer.

“I’m not sure. Day’s always been a little sketchy to me, but I was surprised to hear her talking like that with Brodgan. I’d always thought he was a stand-up kinda god.”

“But now you don’t?”

“You don’t have clandestine meetings in the abandoned wing of the school with the head administrator and threaten her if you’re on the up-and-up.”

“Was it a threat or a warning?”

“Maybe both.”

“Why do you think Alvina is sketchy?”

“I don’t know much about her, but I do know that part of her power is sensing the abilities of others. She’s not visible during the assessments, but she’s always there. The others provide the stimuli and she… I don’t know, I guess she gets beneath the surface to see what your natural instincts are trying to do.”

That made sense. During the assessments before mine, I’d wondered why I couldn’t see exactly what was happening in some of the other students. It stood to reason that there was something else at play beyond what was visible.

“Why would she want to leave? This seems like a pretty cushy gig.”

“You heard her. She doesn’t want to be here. Doesn’t matter how cushy it is, when your choices are taken away, a palace can be a prison.”

Everything in me froze. He was right. I knew that from experience. Would I have slept with him on my own terms? Maybe. But it hadn’t been Sam’s place to orchestrate it when I wasn’t in my right mind.

My face must have betrayed my thoughts, because Varon suddenly looked unsettled and pulled a hand from his pocket to scrub across the back of his neck.

“I, uh… I have to go. Thanks. I guess.” Dammit. I still thanked him. When my back was to him, I rolled my eyes at myself. One day I’d get a damn handle on my blurting.

“Be careful, Killer. Watch your back.”

For once, his words sounded like a warning instead of a threat. It was a one I fully intended to heed.

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