Page 10 of Deception

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“I don’t understand what’s so bad about your position, Alvina. You have tremendous power in your current role. What would you be doing if not this?”

“It’s not about power, it’s about freedom. I didn’t ask to be here and I resent being forced. Do you know how many centuries I’ve been doing this same thing? I’m tired of it, and after the excellence that I’ve put out into the world with every graduating class, I deserve to be rewarded.”

“With your freedom.”


“You’re not a slave, though. You have free will just as any of us do.”

“Yes, but certain choices would result in consequences I’m not willing to pay. If I don’t do as they request, I’ll end up somewhere worse.”

“You act as though this is so bad, is there anything worse?”

“Don’t be a fool, Elias. Things could always be worse, especially when they’re involved.”

Alvina and Professor Brodgan? What the hell were they talking about? And why here instead of in her office or his classroom? The whole thing smacked of nefariousness. Then I reminded myself they weren’t comic book villains, and they probably just didn’t want to be overheard while they had a private conversation.


Slowly, as to not knock anything down, I tipped my head back to find Varon staring down at me. There was barely any light creeping in from the cracks around the door, but it was enough. Our eyes locked and my breathing shallowed even more.

This was… close. Too close. My body always betrayed me when he was nearby, but this was another level of proximity that my body and I remembered all too well. After years of self-imposed celibacy, Varon had rocked my world, and my errant nipples were hardening in anticipation of a revival performance.

Little bitches.

Of course he noticed. His gaze flicked down to where our chests were mushed together before returning to my face. I swore they locked on my lips, but I couldn’t be sure. I didn’t want to be sure, because then other parts of my body that had a tendency to throb might get some ideas that were not about to be fulfilled.

I made a move to shift away from him—where the hell I thought I was going to go, I had no idea—but Varon tucked an arm tightly around my lower back and shook his head silently. His warning came too late. Something behind me shifted, making the barest noise, but it was enough to stop my heart.

I forced my body deeper into Varon’s trying to get away from whatever had been jostled. The murmur of conversation beyond the door thankfully continued, but my heartbeat was so loud in my ears I could no longer decipher the words.

Whatever my movement had shaken loose had replaced the broom handle and was digging into the soft flesh of my back just above where Varon’s arm rested. It hurt like a bitch, but trying to hold myself as close to him as possible was only slightly alleviating the discomfort. He had to have felt the object on top of his arm, but he did nothing to move it. I wanted to gesture to him, but I didn’t know how to signal “hey, can you get whatever’s digging into my back and place it back on the shelf, but do it silently so that our professors don’t hear us and we don’t get in major trouble, thanks.”

I wriggled again, trying to dislodge it enough that he’d get the picture, but all I succeeded in doing was grinding my pelvis against him. It wasn’t my intent, but in this case, intention had no bearing on the result. A hardening length against my lower stomach made my pussy clench in pointless anticipation, and an involuntary shudder rippled through me when his fingers dug deeper into my side.

This was bad. Really fucking bad. To the point that I was considering throwing both of us out of the closet, consequences of being caught eavesdropping be damned. Nothing could be worse than being trapped in a potential clusterfuck like this, right?

Even as I thought it, I knew the answer. I might be uncomfortable in the closet with Varon, but I wasn’t about to risk getting into trouble with Alvina so soon after her latest reprimand.

Which meant I’d have to suffer through being poked in the back.

And the front.


I couldn’t keep thinking about it or I’d start moving against him with a lot more purpose. It took all my effort to tune back in to the conversation between Alvina and Professor Brodgan, and it was immediately clear that I’d missed a lot.

“—this up for me, I promise you that you’ll regret it.” Alvina sounded furious, each word clipped and loaded with threat.

“Watch your tone with me, Alvina. Remember, you aren’t the only one with connections. Or power.” The energy in the room changed, palpable even through the closed door between us. The fine hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood on end and I fought down a shiver at the sudden chill.

Holy shit, just what was Brodgan capable of? I’d have to be a lot more wary around him if I wanted to keep my secret. If Brodgan or Alvina found out, who knew what they’d do to me.

I waited for them to keep speaking, but instead I heard the door open and slam behind one set of footsteps. Moments later, the second set followed behind, and the door closed much more softly behind them.

We didn’t move for several minutes. I assumed that Varon was just as worried as I was that they hadn’t actually left, or that they’d come back and catch us standing in the center of a room they’d believed to be empty seconds before.

My hands rested on Varon’s chest, which I had only just realized, and I curled my fingers into the cotton of his t-shirt reflexively. Our proximity and the… situation he had going on in his jeans came rushing back, bringing with it my arousal.

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