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‘You still want me to design?’ I sound confused. That’s okay, because I am. I thought it was all a ploy to get me into bed.

‘Of course I do. ’

‘I thought you just wanted me for my body. ’ I tease, earning myself a flicked nipple.

‘I want you for a lot more than your body, lady. ’

He does? Like what? ‘It’s Sunday,’ I pull away from his embrace. ‘I don’t work on Sundays. Anyway, I don’t have any of my kit with me. ’

Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas

His frown line jumps onto his forehead as he reaches over and yanks me onto his lap on a slight scowl. ‘A pencil and a piece of paper?’ He nips my ear playfully. ‘I’m sure I can provide you with those, but I’ll be deducting it from your final bill. ’

Essentially, yes, a few pieces of paper and a pencil is all I need at the moment, but its Sunday. I can think of a million other things I could be doing and would prefer to do. Besides, I don’t need to be sitting in the extension to start pulling ideas together.

But then I consider the possibility that he wants me out of his office. He’s got his rocks off and now I’m in the way. I can’t even get in my car and go. I remove myself from his lap as the door knocks.

‘Come in. ’ he instructs, his questioning eyes resting on me.

I ignore them. The grey haired chap from the restaurant walks in with a tray and places it on the coffee table.

‘Thanks, Pete. ’ His probing eyes stay on me.

‘Sir,’ He nods at Jesse and flicks a friendly smile in my direction before leaving.

‘Can I have some paper?’ I ask, picking the tray up and throwing my bag over my shoulder.

‘Are you going to eat your breakfast?’ He stands, his brow still furrowed.

‘I’ll take it upstairs. ’ I don’t want to get under your feet!

‘Oh, okay. ’ He walks over to his desk.

I try my hardest to ignore his perfect, jean clad arse as he bends and opens a drawer, pulling out an art pad and a tin of drawing pencils. What’s he got those for? They’re not your average stationary essentials. He walks back over, handing them to me. I accept, tucking them under the tray and making my way to the door.

‘Hey, aren’t you forgetting something?’

I turn, finding his questioning look has morphed into more of a glare. ‘What?’ I ask. I know what, but I’m not in the mood to stroke his ego.

‘Get your arse over here. ’ He flicks his head.

My shoulders drop slightly. It’s just easier, all round, if I give him what he wants and get out of his hair. I reach him, trying my hardest to put on a cheerful face. I know I’m failing miserably.

‘Kiss me. ’ he orders, his hands draped casually in his jean pockets. I reach up on tiptoes and push my lips against his, ensuring I make it more than a peck. He doesn’t respond. ‘Kiss me like you mean it, Ava. ’

He’s not buying my half-hearted attempt to satisfy him. I sigh. I’ve got a tray in my hands, my bag over my shoulder and a pad and pencil buried under the tray. This is proving to be tricky, especially when he’s not assisting. I place the tray and drawing equipment on his desk and delve my hands into his hair, pulling his face down to mine. It takes a nanosecond for him to respond. Once our lips meet, he takes me completely, his arms snaking around my waist as he bends slightly to accommodate our height difference. I don’t want to enjoy it, but I do – way too much.

‘Better,’ he says against my lips. ‘Never hold out on me, Ava. ’ He releases me, leaving me feeling slightly dizzy and disorientated. Someone knocks on the door. ‘Go. ’ He nods at the door.

I collect my things and leave without a word. I’ve got a proper sulk on. I’m on stupidly dangerous ground here, and I know it. This man has broken heart written all over him.

I open the office door and find Big John waiting for me. He nods, taking up position beside me to escort me upstairs.

‘I know where I’m going, John. ’ I offer. He doesn’t have to flank me all of the way.

‘S’all good, girl. ’ he rumbles, continuing his long strides besides me to the stairs.

When we reach the stained glass window at the bottom of the stairs to the third floor, I glance up the wide staircase. At the top, there’s a set of wooden doors with pretty circle symbols calved into the wood. They’re closed and quite intimidating.

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