Page 182 of This Man (This Man 1)

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My eyes widen. ‘No, it was time for me to know a long time ago, Jesse. ’ I do a full three sixty turn, refreshing my eyes of where I am. It’s still all there, loud and proud – I’m not dreaming. ‘Fuck!’

‘Watch your mouth, Ava. ’ he scorns me gently.

I swing back around to face him in shock. ‘Don’t you dare!’ I cry, slapping the heel of my hand against my forehead. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’

‘Watch. . . ’

‘Don’t!’ I pin him with a fierce glare. ‘Jesse, don’t you dare tell me to watch my mouth!’ I gesture around the room. ‘Look!’

‘I see it, Ava. ’ His voice is soft and placating, but it’s not going to calm me down. I’m too stunned.

‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ Oh my God, he’s a glorified pimp.

‘I thought you would have grasped The Manors operations on our first meeting, Ava. When it became obvious that you hadn’t, it just got harder and harder to tell you. ’

My head hurts. This is like a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle, each piece clicking into place, all so very slowly. I told him he had a lovely hotel. Oh, he must think I’m something else. He dropped enough hints with his specification and requirements, but because I was so distracted by him, I missed them all. He owns a sex club? This is fucking awful. And the sex? Oh God, the bloody sex. He really is sexpert extraordinaire, and it’s not because of previous relationships. He said himself that he didn’t have time for relationships. Now I know why.

‘I’m going to leave now, and you’re going to let me go. ’ I say it with all the determination I feel. I really have been a play toy to him. I’m way past dense – I’m completely brainless.

He’s still frantically chewing his lip as I side step him, taking the stairs in a complete daze.

‘Ava, wait. ’ he pleads, following me.

I’m swiftly reminded of the last time I was fleeing here. I should have kept running. I block out his voice, concentrating on getting myself to the entrance hall without breaking my leg in a fall. I pass the second floor bedrooms and mentally slap myself again.

‘Ava, baby, please. ’

I reach the bottom of the stairs and fly around to face him. ‘Don’t even think about it!’ I shout at him. He recoils in shock. ‘You’ll let me leave. ’

‘You’ve not even given me the chance to explain,’ His eyes are all wide and full of fear. It’s not an expression I’m use to from Jesse. ‘Please, let me explain. ’

‘Explain what? I’ve seen everything I need to see. ’ I shout. ‘No explanation required! It all speaks loud and clear for itself. ’

He steps towards me with his hands out. ‘You weren’t supposed to find out like this. ’

I’m suddenly aware of an audience watching our little altercation. Sam, Drew and Kate are all standing at the bar entrance looking uncomfortable…pitiful, even. John looks grave as he assesses Jesse, and Sarah looks as smug as can be. I know now that she must have picked up my message on Jesse’s phone. She opened the gates and she opened the door. She’s got her way. She can have him.

I don’t recognise the snide, cocky looking man stood next to her, but he’s looking at me with an unfriendly glare. I watch him turn his eyes on Jesse with a sneer. ‘What a fuck up you really are. ’ he spits at Jesse’s back, his tone full of hatred. Who the hell is he?

I watch as John grabs him by the scruff of the neck, shaking him a little. ‘You’re no longer a member, mother fucker. I’ll be escorting you from the grounds. ’

The cocky creature laughs a cold sinister laugh. ‘Be my guest. Looks like your tart has seen the light, Ward. ’ he hisses. Jesse’s eyes turn black in a nanosecond.

‘Shut the fuck up. ’ John growls.

‘Revoked membership,’ I whisper. ‘He got too excited. ’

He directs his cold eyes back at me. ‘He takes what he wants and leaves a trail of shit behind him,’ he snarls, his words punching all the air from my lungs. I notice Jesse stiffen from head to toe. ‘He fucks them all and fucks them off. ’

Turning my gaze back on Jesse, I find his eyes are still black, his frown line a burden on his forehead. ‘Why?’ I ask. I don’t know why I’m asking this. It’s not going to make a jot of difference. But I feel I deserve some sort of explanation. He fucks them all – once – and fucks them off.

‘Don’t listen to him, Ava. ’ Jesse steps forward. I can see his jaw is tense to snapping point.

‘Ask him how my wife is. ’ The nasty piece of work spits. ‘He did the same to her as he did to all the others. Husbands and conscience don’t get in his way. ’

And that’s all it takes to tip Jesse over the edge. He turns and flies at the man like a bullet, taking him clean from John’s grasp and to the parquet floor on a loud crash. Sam yanks Kate back and there are a few gasps, as everyone watches Jesse kick ten tons of shit out of the man.

I’m not compelled to screa

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