Page 179 of This Man (This Man 1)

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She’s in awe already and she hasn’t even seen the house yet. We eventually emerge into the courtyard. It’s busy.

‘Holy fucking shit!’ She gapes at the imposing property, leaning forward in her seat. ‘Jesse owns this?’

‘He does. There’s Sam’s car. ’ I pull into a space next to the Porsche.

‘I can’t believe he comes here to have lunch. ’ she grumbles, joining me on my side of the car. ‘Holy fucking shit!’

I laugh at Kate’s amazement – she doesn’t shock easily. I lead her towards the steps, expecting to find John greeting us, but he doesn’t appear. Instead, I find the double doors ajar, so I push my way through. Looking back at Kate, I see her gazing around, open mouthed and wide eyed at the splendid surroundings.

‘Kate, shut your mouth. ’ I scorn her lightly.

‘Sorry. ’ She snaps her mouth shut. ‘This is one fancy place. ’

‘I know. ’

‘I want a tour. ’ she says, craning her neck to look up the stairs.

‘Get Sam to give you a tour. ’ I say shortly. ‘I need to see Jesse. ’ I head past the restaurant and towards the bar, spotting Sam and Drew immediately.

Sam gives me a huge, cheeky grin as he swigs his beer, but spits it out when Kate follows in behind me. ‘Fuck! What are you doing here?’ he splutters.

Drew turns, clocks Kate and breaks out in uncontrollable laughter. I frown.

Kate looks less than delighted. ‘I’m pleased to see you too, dick!’ she spits indignantly at a stunned Sam.

He quickly shoves his beer on the bar, pulling a stool up close to him. ‘Sit!’ He bashes the top of the stool, giving Drew a worried look.

‘Don’t order me about, Samuel!’ The look of disgust on her face is fierce. I’ve never seen Sam so twitchy before. Is he hiding something? Perhaps, it’s the girl from Starbucks?

He pats the stool again, smiling nervously at her. ‘Please,’

Kate makes her way over, resting her bum on the stool. Sam pulls her even closer. She’ll be on his lap soon.

‘Buy me a drink. ’ she demands on a half-smile.

‘Just one. ’ he affirms, signaling to Mario. Jesus, he’s breaking out in a sweat. ‘Ava?’

‘No, I’m good. I’m going to find Jesse. ’ I thumb over my shoulder as I start walking backwards.

‘Does he know you’re here?’ Sam asks, all wide eyed.

What’s the matter with him? ‘Well, I text him,’ I glance around the bar, seeing plenty of familiar faces from my previous few visits to The Manor. I’m pleased to note there’s no Sarah, but this means nothing, of course. She could be anywhere in this huge house. ‘But he didn’t reply. ’ I add. It’s only now I realise how strange that is.

Sam gives Drew a nervous look, prompting Drew to laugh harder. ‘Wait here, I’ll go and get him. ’

‘I know where his office is. ’ I say on a frown.

‘Ava, will you just wait here?’ Sam’s face is pure panic. I’m super suspicious now. He fixes Kate with a stern glare as he gets up. ‘Don’t move. ’

‘How much have you had to drink?’ Kate asks, eyeing his bottle of beer. Has Kate picked up on his unease too?

‘This is my first and last, trust me. I’m going to get Jesse, then we’re leaving. ’ He looks around the bar nervously. Okay, now I’m convinced he’s definitely hiding someone or something. I’m beginning to wish Sarah was in here because then I would know for sure that she isn’t with Jesse. I’m bristling from head to toe.

He jogs off, leaving Kate and I exchanging puzzled faces.

‘Excuse me ladies,’ Drew gets up. ‘Nature calls. ’ He leaves us at the bar like a couple of spare parts.

‘Oh, fuck this,’ Kate exclaims, taking my hand. ‘Give me the tour. ’ She pulls me back towards the entrance hall.

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