Page 175 of This Man (This Man 1)

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‘Can you imagine living in such luxury? Your Dad and I are not short of a few, but that’s a whole other level of wealth. ’

‘It is,’ I agree. Okay, the subject of work hasn’t gone as I planned. ‘What time does Dan land tomorrow?’ I blurt to divert the conversation.

‘Nine in the morning. Are you coming down with him?’

I flop forward onto the worktop. I’ve hardly given Dan’s impending arrival a second thought. What with all the crazy shit going on, I’ve not had a chance. I feel guilty all of a sudden. I’ve not seen him for six months.

‘I don’t think so, Mum. I’m just so busy. ’ I whine, mentally pleading for her to understand.

‘That’s disappointing, but I understand. Maybe Dad and I could come up to see you when you’ve sorted a place of your own?’ She’s hinting that I need to pull my finger out. I’ve done nothing in that area of my life.

‘That would be really good. ’ I don’t fake my enthusiasm. I would love for Mum and Dad to come back to London for a visit. They haven’t been back since they left, and I know it’s because they both secretly worry they’ll want to move back to the hustle and bustle.

‘Wonderful. I’ll speak to your Dad. I’d better go. Send my love to Kate. ’

‘I will, I’ll ring next week when Dan’s there. ’ I add quickly before she hangs up.

‘Lovely. Take care, darling. ’

‘Bye, Mum. ’ I slide my phone across the counter and drop my head in my hands.

If only she knew. My Dad would probably have another heart attack if he found out about my current state of affairs, and my Mum would be moving me d

own to Newquay. The only reason my Dad didn’t drive up after me and Matt split up was because Mum called Kate to find out if I really was okay. What would they think if they knew I was caught up with a neurotic, self-assured control freak, who is – in his own words – fucking me into oblivion? The fact that he’s super wealthy and owns the penthouse would not soften the blow. Christ, Jesse is probably closer to my Mum in age than I am.

I swing round on my stool when I hear a commotion coming from outside of the kitchen. Getting up to go and investigate, I’m nearly taken off my feet when Jesse’s naked chest flies at me.


‘Fucking hell, there you are. ’ He grabs me, lifting me up to his sweat riddled body. ‘You weren’t in bed. ’

‘I’m in the kitchen. ’ I splutter in my dazed state. He’s squeezing me so tight, I’m struggling to breathe. ‘I saw you running. I didn’t want to disturb you. ’ I wriggle a little to indicate that I’m being constricted to death. He releases me, setting me back on my feet, his glistening, stubbled face giving me the once over. His panicked features ease a bit as he holds me steady by my forearms in front of him. ‘I was just in the kitchen. ’ I repeat. He looks like he could keel over at any moment. What’s wrong with him?

He shakes his head slightly, as if ridding himself of a nasty thought, picks me up and walks me to the worktop, sitting me on the cold granite. He pushes his way between my thighs.

‘Sleep well?’

‘Great. ’ Why does he look like someone’s broken some really crappy news? ‘Are you okay?’

He blesses me with a heart stopping smile. I feel instantly at ease. ‘I woke up with you in my bed wearing lace. It’s ten thirty on a Sunday morning and you’re in my kitchen…’ He runs his eyes down my front, ‘wearing lace. I’m amazing. ’

‘You are?’

‘Oh, I am. ’ He tips my face up, planting a light kiss on my lips. Oh, I could wake up to this every morning. ‘You’re too beautiful, lady. ’

‘So are you. ’

He brushes the hair away from my face, looking at me affectionately. ‘Kiss me. ’

I fulfill his request immediately, taking his lips calmly and following the slow, gentle strokes of his tongue. We both hum in harmony. Oh this is good. But our intimate moment is broken by the loud, shrill of Jesse’s phone.

He grumbles and reaches past me, still maintaining our kiss. He glances up at the screen as he holds it over my head. ‘Oh, go away. ’ he gripes against my lips. ‘Baby, I’ve got to take this. ’ He pulls away and answers, keeping himself firmly between my thighs, his free hand around my waist. ‘What’s up, John?’ He starts chewing his lip. ‘What’s he doing there?’ He drops a chaste kiss on my lips. ‘No, I’ll be there…yes…see you in a bit. ’ He hangs up and studies me thoughtfully for a few seconds. ‘I need to go to The Manor. You’ll come. ’

I recoil. ‘No!’ I blurt. I’m not being yanked off of Central Jesse Cloud Nine by her!

He frowns. ‘But I want you to come. ’

Absolutely not! It’s Sunday, I’m not working and I’m not going to The Manor. ‘You’ll be working. ’ I search my brain for a feasible excuse for me not to go. ‘You do what you need to do, and I’ll see you afterwards. ’ I reason instead.

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