Page 134 of This Man (This Man 1)

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He nods, dropping a kiss on the end of my nose before kneeling back down in front of me. I lift my foot when he taps my ankle, my heart flickering with nervousness as he removes my ballet pumps, feeds my feet into the trousers and pulls the leathers up my body, fastening them swiftly. Next, he collects a fitted, leather jacket and takes my bag before putting the jacket on me, followed by a pair of boots.

Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas

‘Take the pins out your hair. ’ he orders, putting my pumps and my new taboo dress in my oversized work bag. I’m surprised he didn’t throw it to the ground and trample all over it.

I reach up and start removing my grips. ‘Where are your leathers?’

‘I don’t need them. ’

‘Why, are you indestructible?’

He holds the helmet above my head. ‘No, lady, self-destructible. ’

Huh? ‘What does that mean?’

‘Nothing,’ He dismisses my question and pushes the helmet onto my head, effectively shutting me up. He starts adjusting the chin strap, leaving me feeling like my head’s been squeezed into a condom. I flex my neck from side to side, and he flips the visor up.

‘You should wear protective clothing. ’ I admonish him. ‘You’re making me. ’

‘I’m not prepared to take any risks with you. Anyway. . . ’ He smacks my arse, ‘you look fucking hot. ’ He lengthens the strap on my bag, putting it across my body and around my back. ‘When I’m on, put your left foot on the peg and swing your right leg over, okay?’

I nod, and he puts his own helmet on. I watch, admiringly as he swings his long leg over, starts the bike and stands it up between his powerful thighs. I’m shitting myself. He looks at me as I stand on the pavement and nods his instruction for me to climb on. I reluctantly step forward, place my hand on his shoulder and follow through on his instructions, vaulting my right leg over, soon finding myself straddling his waist.

‘I feel too high. ’

He turns his head. ‘You’re fine. Now, hold on around my waist but not too tight. When I lean, gently lean with me and don’t put your feet down when I stop. Keep them on the pegs. Clear?’

I nod. ‘Okay. ’ Oh shit, what am I doing?

‘Put your visor down. ’ he orders, flipping his own into position.

I do as I’m bid and lean forward, hugging my arms around his chest and squeezing my knees on either side of his hips. I feel like a national hunt jockey. My nerves are all over the place, but there’s a little excitement lingering somewhere.

The vibrations of the engine travel through me as Jesse revs the engine, backing onto the road with his feet. Then slowly and smoothly, he pulls into the traffic. My heart is hammering in my chest, my thighs gripping his hips stupidly hard. I loosen my clench slightly when my arms and legs begin to ache. I’m not ignorant to the fact that he’s obviously taking it easy with me on board, and I love him all the more for it. He brakes lightly, takes corners smoothly and I find myself naturally mimicking the bikes movements. I love it. This is a complete surprise; I’ve always hated motorbikes.

As we break the city limits, I have no idea where we’re going, but I don’t care. My arms and legs are wrapped around my solid hunk of male, and with the rush on air speeding past me, I feel completely exhilarated. Until I recognise the road leading to The Manor. My joy instantly dampens. After the day I’ve had, it would be just perfect for it to end on a helping of old pouty lips. I give myself a mental pep talk, telling myself to rise above her obvious jealousy and bitterness. What I would like to know most, though, is why she’s behaving like this? Has Jesse had a relationship with her?

The iron gates at the entrance of the grounds open as Jesse pulls off of the main road and proceeds down the gravel driveway to The Manor, braking gently until we come to a stop.

He flips his visor up. ‘Off you get. ’

I swing my leg over, rather elegantly, and land on the gravel to the side of the bike. Jesse kicks the stand down and shuts the bike off before dismounting with complete ease and taking his helmet off, his blonde hair all rough and dishevelled from the friction. He runs his hands through it and places his helmet on the seat before taking mine off. He looks at me hesitantly when my face is revealed. He’s worried I didn’t like it. I grin, launching myself at him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He laughs. ‘There’s that grin. Did you enjoy that?’ He holds me with one arm, placing my helmet next to his, then clasps me with both hands.

I lean back to get his face in my line of vision. ‘I want one. ’

‘Forget it! Not a fucking chance in Hell. Never, no way,’ He shakes his head, his expression pure dread. ‘Only ever with me. ’

‘I loved it. ’ I tighten my grip around his neck, pulling myself back into him and lowering my lips to his. He moans approvingly as I coax his mouth open, landing him with a deep, moist and passionate kiss. ‘Thank you. ’

He bites lightly on my bottom lip. ‘Hmmm. You’re more than welcome, baby. ’

I’ve completely lost sight of my doubts. When he’s like this, it kind of trumps his unreasonable, controlling ways. It’s crazy. ‘Why are we here?’ I ask. I can’t help the pang of disappointment at ending my amazing bike ride at The Manor.

‘I’ve got a few things to sort out. You can have something to eat while we’re here. ’ He lowers me to the ground. ‘Then I’m taking you home, lady. ’ He brushes my hair from my face.

‘I’ve got nothing with me. ’ I’ll need to shoot home and pick some things up.

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