Page 122 of This Man (This Man 1)

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‘I know you do. ’ And in goes another peanut butter covered finger.

‘So, where are my clothes?’ I try calm, but if he doesn’t give me my clothes now, I’ll soon revert back to mad woman. I can’t be late.

‘They are…somewhere. ’ He grins around his finger.

‘Where is somewhere?’ I ask, while thinking about how much I dislike roguish Jesse today.

‘If I tell you, you have to give me something in return. ’

I feel mad woman coming on! ‘What?’ I yell.

‘Don’t drink tomorrow night. ’ His face is deadpan.

I scowl at him as I watch him fighting to control a smirk from breaking out. The conniving pig! He’s got me cornered, naked, late for work and in need of a lift.

I stand, pondering his trade. If I’m honest, I wasn’t planning on getting particularly drunk, especially after my performance on Saturday. I’ve not even asked Kate if she’s free yet, but I don’t want Mr Control Freak thinking he can dictate my every move. Give him an inch and all that.

‘Fine!’ How will he know if I have a drink, anyway?

He looks shocked. ‘That was easier than I thought. What about lunch later?’

‘Okay, get my clothes!’

‘Who holds the power, Ava?’ he asks.

I don’t have time to challenge him on that. ‘You do, get my clothes!’

‘Correct. ’ He struts over to the fridge – with a little extra swagger for my benefit – and opens the door. ‘Here you are, lady. ’

They were in the fridge? Well, I would never have looked in there. I snatch them from his hand, and he raises a warning brow at me. I don’t care. I’m going to be so late. He watches me frantically yank my capri pants on and laughs as I hop around gasping when the freezing cold material rests on my skin.

‘Have I got time for a shower?’ he asks seriously.


He laughs, slaps my bum and saunters out of the kitchen.

Jesse drives me home in his usual driving style – frighteningly fast and ever impatient, but today I’m grateful.

He waits for me in the car, making a few calls, while I shower and get ready in record time. I shove on some black, fitted ankle grazers, a white shirt and my red Dune ballet pumps. I’m dressed for speed today. My hair is having a strop for not being blow dried last night, so I pin it into a messy up do. I’ll put my make-up on in the car.

As I rush across the landing, I collide with a half-naked Sam. Has he moved in? Put some clothes on!

‘You’re always in a rush, chick. ’ He laughs. I side step him, darting into the kitchen to get a glass of water and swallow my pill. ‘Good night?’

I nod over my glass as he stands, bold as brass in the kitchen doorway, looking all roughed up. I won’t ask if he’s had a good night. That much is obvious.

‘Where’s Kate?’ I ask.

He grins. ‘I’ve tied her to the bed. ’

My eyes widen. I have no idea if he’s serious or not. He’s such a joker. ‘Tell her I’ll call her later. ’ I wait for Sam to budge and let me out. ‘See ya. ’ I call, running down the stairs.

‘Hey, tell Jesse I’m not running today. ’ he shouts after me.

I run down the path and onto the street, where Jesse is illegally parked and flipping off a traffic warden from his driver’s seat. I wait for the warden to finish lecturing Jesse, but he seems to be on a roll.

‘Move so the lady can get in the car. ’ Jesse growls. The warden ignores him, launching into a speech on verbal abuse and lack of consideration for other road users.

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