Page 30 of Flame Difference

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He looks so distinguished, but he is really so much fun. I wonder if he’s ever experienced the joy of laying in bed all weekend bingeing old movies and surviving on pizza and fried chicken.

“Wonderful,” he replied when he finally finished his mouthful. “I wouldn’t want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable. I was just trying to make sure the boy was occupied.”

“Thank you for that,” she said, smiling. “I appreciate it. What Martin could really use, though, is some friends. As I’m sure you can see, the ones he hung out with on Earth were not good for him.”

Onyx brightened immediately, tapping the table with one finger.

“A party,” he said. “We can throw a welcoming party for you and Martin to introduce both of you. I can invite the youngsters from the city and arrange for all of them to have lessons together, as well. Surely, he will find some he can form a bond with.”

“That sounds amazing,” she said, feeling confidence surging in her.

If this is what an ordinary dinner looks like, I can’t wait to see a party!

The servers were clearing away the food and leaving damp towels for them to wipe their hands on. The wine glasses were disappearing as the staff began to bring out bowls of dessert.

“There is one problem,” Onyx said, sighing. Azura was drawn away from her examination of the dessert bowls to focus on him again.


“Well, if I throw a party for you, there will be questions about who you are, especially from the first families. You’re living in my palace. I’m caring for your brother … obviously, shifters don’t just drop in on Earth frequently to adopt random people.”

“Oh,” she said, understanding.

When he puts it like that, the situation sounds ridiculous.

“So, some of the royal families already know you are my mate. That’s how I must announce you. Are you going to be okay with that? Furthermore, can you act like my mate?”

As his blue eyes stared deeply into hers, Azura felt something trigger inside. The smell of melted chocolate suddenly hit her from a nearby plate, and the collision of sensations made her head swim. Her mouth was watering, and her thighs were tingling.

I’m either getting turned on by chocolate, or I want to eat Onyx.

Fuck it, let’s do both.

“Ah … I’m sure I can pretend. For one night,” she stuttered.

Onyx reached out, stroking her hand. “I don’t want it to be pretend, and I don’t want it to be just one night,” he said.

Azura couldn’t speak. She could hardly breathe. It felt like embers were dancing under her skin, gathering at her nipples and deep between her legs. She fought to maintain her outward calm as her insides melted into a hot mess, just like the rivers of chocolate in the lava cakes.

Oh fuck.

Onyx stood slowly and walked over to her. She couldn’t move. She was afraid that if she tried to, she’d spontaneously orgasm.

Onyx knelt so that they were eye to eye. His expression was so intense that she trembled under the force of his gaze. For a moment, she thought he was going to hurl her onto the table and fuck her right there, desserts painting their skin as they rolled up and down the table.

Yes, please. I’ll definitely have seconds of that.

Instead, he reached out with one hand, pausing in the air to judge her reaction before he touched her collarbone very lightly with his fingertip. A gasp burst out of her chest, making her shiver. All those embers under her skin were gathering at the point where his skin touched hers.

“Would you like me to claim you?” he whispered.

Azura felt arousal pouring through her in a hot rush. She was buckling under it, completely dissolving.

Yes! I don’t even know what that means, but yes, fuck yes!

“I’m not sure,” she said, her voice strained. “I need more time, Onyx. I’m just not sure.”

She waited for the intensity to turn to anger as he processed her rejection, but instead, he smiled gently. As he stood, she watched him carefully, but he displayed no anger at all.

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