Page 22 of Flame Difference

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Onyx had never minded being the one to fix things. He had always been known within his group of friends and family as the one that got shit done. It was a skill, one he had cultivated since he was very young.

It satisfied him to see Azura calm down while she sat in the back of the aircar, gazing out the window.

He had never seen anyone so gorgeous. He knew that, even if she hadn’t been his fated mate, he would still know that she was dangerously attractive. He could ride those curves for days and do whatever she ordered him to do for the rest of his life.

Damn, man, get it together.

Azura caught him looking back at her a few times. She had a hypnotic way about her that he knew was effortless. The way the valley between her breasts called to him and the sweet honey shade of her eyes melted the coldness of his heart. It was all very overwhelming.

But for once in his life, Onyx didn’t mind being surprised.

After a few minutes of soaring in the air, they arrived at his sprawling estate. He landed softly, so he wouldn’t frighten his passengers.

“There we go,” he said, climbing out of the car.

He opened the door for Azura, taking her hand as she stepped out of the car. She was looking at him with that savory smile, making his mouth water with the thought of how those lips would feel on his.

She rubbed at her neck as she turned away, looking up at the giant manor.

“Damn,” she murmured.

Martin got out and stood next to his sister. They both looked up at the mansion that shone an ivory white. Gold accents ran across the balconies and window fixtures. It was about four floors high and expressed a blend of modern and Victorian features that were considered trendy in Nova Aurora.

Beyond them, the lawn was finely manicured, with a long pond on the front lawn, a massive pool, and a deck that ran around the entire circumference of the dwelling. Onyx’s house wasn’t gothic like their home. Onyx had always made sure that he updated his home with what was fashionable on the markets.

Onyx stood by their side with his hands in his pockets. The suns were high in the afternoon sky and beat down on them relentlessly. Onyx was mostly used to it but wondered how their human bodies were coping.

“The inside is even better,” he said.

Azura turned to him and looked over her shoulder. The light silhouetted her perfect profile, and he wanted to take her in his arms and woo her all night.

Martin began walking forward up the trail to the front door. Azura gazed at Onyx when a panic-stricken look took over her charming face.

“We didn’t bring any clothes,” Azura said.

Onyx guided her by the shoulders, which simply gave him an excuse to touch her skin. Their contact made him shudder.

“We will provide you with some,” he said, trying not to look her up and down. “Your Earth clothes would look strange here, anyway.”

Azura laughed as they walked up to the tall, iron door, the sound of a song in his ears. Martin turned to him when he got to the door first, and Onyx simply motioned with his chin.

“Give it a push,” he said. “It should be open.”

Martin opened it cautiously, the creaking sound opening to an entryway with high ceilings and skylights funneling beams of the glorious suns. They stepped inside onto the hardwood floor, their necks propped upward.

Onyx marveled at their marveling and found it incredibly endearing.

“I put the skylights in last year,” he said. “I like keeping things natural and alluring.”

Azura nodded, her hand wandering to her bare chest. Martin’s gaze lingered for a few more seconds, then looked back at Onyx blankly.

“Where can I get something to eat?”

Onyx smirked.

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