Page 18 of Flame Difference

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“Why don’t you wait inside my car, Martin?”

He lifted his head. “Your car?”

“Well, if they’re looking for you, where’s the first place they’re going to check?”

He gave the boy a knowing look and nodded at the house.

“Oh, shit. You’re right …”

Suddenly, the door behind them was pushed open, and a wonderful heavenly scent hit him. He turned quickly, his heart pounding when he saw who was standing in the doorway.

“Who are you?”

Azura’s voice sounded like honey this up-close. He wanted to bathe in it.

Martin jumped to his feet. “We were just …”

She turned her gaze to him immediately. A deep frown set on her face.

“You are in so much trouble. I can’t even believe you right now.”

“It’s not like that!”

“How, Martin! They have you on camera!”

Onyx stepped between them, holding his hands up toward Azura. “We should talk about this off the property.”

“Off the prop … Who are you?”

Onyx held back a sigh. They really didn’t have time for introductions right now, especially since he had a strong feeling that the police were waiting for Azura to come back dragging a kicking and screaming Martin.

He didn’t want her to have to go through something like that. Though she looked as tough as nails, he couldn’t help but remember the flash of her devastated face as the officer read off the charges to her.

It ate him up inside just thinking about it

“Look, like I said. We can talk about this off the property. I have a car right outside that we can leave in.”

“Leave? We can’t leave! The police are looking for him!”

“If we leave now, we’ll have time to figure out how to keep him out of jail. He needs help, not the inside of a jail cell.”

At that, Azura sagged a bit. Her eyes become glassy at the mention of her brother behind bars. He could tell how tough that statement must have hit her, and he hadn’t wanted to say it to upset her in the first place.

But it was the reality they both were facing.

Before Azura had the chance to argue with him again about it, Onyx corralled his arms around her form and herded her out of the open door.

Thankfully, he’d had the mindset to park his expensive car away from the main parking lot, using this side access point as his own personal entrance. He opened the passenger door for Azura, making sure she climbed in before shutting it gently. Martin soon followed after his sister and climbed into the back, practically slamming the door behind him.

Onyx shook his head before climbing into the car himself. He knew of only one place where they could truly be safe from any kind of police intervention while they figured out what to do with Martin.

And that’s back on Nova Aurora.

It’d be a temporary fix, but at least he’d be able to spend more personal, one-on-one time with Azura while she was staying with him. The thought made his heart pound in anticipation.

Onyx flipped the car on and flicked the shift, quickly pulling out of the parking lot and heading off to the wormhole.

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