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Chapter Three

Right. What to do first?

My schedule was a bit out of sync today. It was 12.37 and Leo had just started the first of his afternoon naps, so that was when I usually exercised for half an hour, had lunch, then did some washing or tidying up. But because I was busy working on some amends to a proposal Robyn had sent me when Leo was sleeping this morning, I’d missed my normal 8.30 a.m. expressing milk session, so needed to fit that in. Plus, I had to call Viktor at Purity Skincare, who was one of our biggest clients. With Leo due to wake up at around 2 p.m. and the house to prepare for tonight, it was going to be tight, but I could do it. I’d find a way.

I warmed up the leftover tagliatelle with king prawns that Lorenzo had cooked to cheer me up last night, wolfed it down, loaded the dishwasher, then headed to the living room. My phone chimed. It was a message from Bella, checking I was okay.Dammit. I forgot to reply to the text she sent two days ago. I missed her and Roxy, my other best friend, so much, but had been terrible at keeping up with messages.Must do that later. Maybe during Leo’s nap at four? Then again, that was when I was supposed to be baking and checking over the social media strategy for another client.Mmm.Messaging tomorrow was more realistic.No, no. I can send Bella and Roxy a quick voice note in the group chat when Leo and I go for our walk at three.Yes. Sorted. Good plan.

How was it five to one already?

I needed to express some milk. I tried to do it no later than an hour before the next feed, so if I was quick, I’d still be fine to give Leo the breast at two. As I’d invested in the quietest pump I could find, I could do it whilst I was on the phone. Multitasking at its finest. After I quickly washed my hands and attached the pump, I dialled the number.

‘Viktor, hi!’

‘Sophia, long time no speak.’ That was true. Robyn had been liaising with him and sending me weekly updates, so although I’d sent him the odd email here and there, we hadn’t actually spoken for months.

‘Well, technically it’s earlier than anticipated, because I’m still on maternity leave for another month or so, but I’m just starting to make myself available for my extra special clients…’

‘Glad to hear it. Listen, I’m in London in a few weeks, so I’d like to meet. Thought we could discuss the new body care line we’ll be launching later this year.’

When I said I was making myselfavailable, I meant on the phone, not by jumping on a plane.

‘Sounds exciting, and I would havelovedto have met with you, but remember I’m living in Italy now and—’

‘Oh! You’re still there?’ He sounded surprised. Like I’d just revealed I had four nipples or something. ‘I thought that was just a fling with that guy. Y’know, a holiday romance thing? I was sure you’d be back in London by now, getting ready to return to work.’

Bloody cheek.

I knew that was what a lot of people thought. They were convinced it wouldn’t last. Just because I ran my own business, they didn’t think I’d be happy going out with someone who was ‘just a chef’. Even my best friend Roxy took a while to get used to the idea of me leaving London to live with Lorenzo. I’d prove them all wrong, though. I was in Italy to stay. I wouldn’t fail.

‘Yes, I’m still here and everything’s going great actually. Couldn’t be better!’If only. I deserved an Oscar for that performance. ‘Like I said, I’m still on maternity leave, but as you know, Robyn is heading up your account and she’d bemorethan happy to clear her schedule to meet with you.’

‘What? Like she did when I was over two weeks ago and she cancelled at the last minute?’ he snarled.

She did what?

How did I not know this?

When I’d asked Robyn how everything had gone, she’d said it was fine. Even sent me a summary of the points that were discussed in her weekly report.

‘I’m very sorry about that,’ I replied quickly, trying to keep my cool and not let on that this was the first I’d heard of it. ‘Extenuating circumstances, I believe. You did still manage to catch up, though, and cover all the important points?’ I was half making a statement, half asking.

‘Yes, a day later, on a conference call, but that wasn’t the point.’

‘I totally agree and I can assure you that it will not happen again. Robyn will make meeting you her absolute priority. In fact, she can take you to your favourite restaurant in The Shard for dinner too, by way of an apology. It’d be our treat. And then of course, if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss, we can all have a conference call, together.’

Hopefully that would do the trick. I needed him to understand that things were different now and for him to continue seeing Robyn as the first point of contact. Much harder to do so now I’d discovered she’d committed the cardinal sin of cancelling on a client. I’d have to deal with her later…

‘Fine.’ Viktor sighed heavily. ‘Get Robyn to call my assistant to set things up. We’ll speak afterwards.’

‘Will do.’

‘Look, I’ve got a meeting now, so I’d better go, but I have some initial ideas for the ambassador I was thinking could head up the campaign, and I want you to take a look and send me your thoughts. Naturally I’m sure you’ll have your own ideas—after all, that’s what I’m paying you for. Anyway, I’ll email you later.’

Clients. Give them an inch and they’ll take a yard. Now it was my turn to sigh. I’d already told him to go directly to Robyn, so really she should deal with it, but because Robyn had already let him down once, we couldn’t afford any more fuck-ups. Especially since he was our biggest account. Plus, I’d worked on lots of ambassador-led campaigns, so hopefully it wouldn’t take me long…

‘Okay. I’ll take a look and get back to you.’

As soon as the call ended, I dialled Robyn’s number. It was engaged. Damn. I’d have words with her later and find out what the hell had happened.

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