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Chapter Nineteen

‘Lorenzo, I don’t think I can…’ As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw a big fluffy robe laid out on the bed and some matching white slippers. Lorenzo was sat upright on the crisp bedsheets in his own robe.


‘You do not think you can?’ He frowned. ‘Can what?’

‘Um… nothing. Forget it. Nice robes!’ I stroked the dressing gown enthusiastically, hoping I’d managed to change the subject.

‘So for activity two, we will have massage. You have been very stressed. Will be good for you to relax. I know you used to have in London and you like, so I thought was something we can do today.Together. What do you think?’

I gave him the biggest hug.

‘God, I love you.’

‘I am guessing you are happy,’ he chuckled.

‘More than you could ever know.’

There I was jumping to conclusions. Thinking he wanted to have his wicked way, when really he had planned something to make me feel better.What a relief. I really must learn not to freak out so much.

The massage was bliss. Exactly what I needed. Luckily the room was dimly lit and Lorenzo had his eyes closed so he couldn’t see my body. And because I was laid on my front, my stretch marks and stomach weren’t exposed. Thankfully the towel was always strategically placed around my bottom and thighs so he couldn’t see my cellulite either.

I didn’t seem to mind the therapist touching my body. There was something nurturing about her, which instantly put me at ease. Plus she must see women of all shapes and sizes every day, so wouldn’t judge me.

It did get a bit embarrassing at one point, though. I was so relaxed that I drifted off. But I woke up suddenly because I heard some loud snoring, then I realised that it was me.Oops…

After our massages, I returned to our room to sleep for a couple of hours whilst Lorenzo went out to make some arrangements for the rest of our weekend. If what he had planned was anything like today, I was in for a treat.

In the evening, we walked along Ponte Santa Trinita, a beautiful old stone bridge that crossed the River Arno, and watched the sun set over Florence.

‘This is stunning,’ I said as I took photos on my phone. ‘I didn’t get to see this last time.’

‘I thought so,’ sighed Lorenzo. ‘I am glad I finally am with you properly inFirenzethis time…’

‘Yeah. My last trip was kind of a disappointment.’

‘I know.’ He wrapped his arm around me. ‘Which is why it was important for me to make this visit special. When you think of this city, I want you to have good memories. Of days like today. Not me having to work and letting you down. Not what happened before.’

I thought about that failed weekend. A few weeks after we’d first met, I’d returned to Italy to see Lorenzo, but he’d stood me up at the last minute and I was left in Florence all alone. Back then I’d thought I’d never speak to him again. Considering all the ups and downs, it was amazing that we’d even come this far. If you’d have told me when I was standing on the freezing cold platform, soaking wet from the rain on that disastrous visit to Cinque Terre, that less than two years later I’d be back in Florence with Lorenzo beside me, or that I’d be living with him in Italy and we’d have a child together, I wouldn’t have believed you.Crazy.

‘It’s in the past. We’re building our future now as a family. You, me and Leo. We’ll have to bring him here and create even more happy memories together.’

‘For sure.’ He kissed me gently on the lips.

‘I’d love to bring my family here too. Well, if Mum and Dad ever decide to get on a plane and come over,’ I sighed. ‘Roxy and Bella would love it here, though. Especially the food.’

‘Sì.’ Lorenzo smiled. ‘You talk about food, so are you ready for dinner?’

‘Definitely. I’m starving!’

We took a nice stroll back into the centre and headed to a restaurant that Lorenzo used to work at. The staff gave us the VIP treatment, bringing out enough dishes to feed an army.

Then we stopped off for gelato. I nearly fainted when I saw a little blackboard on the counter saying that today’s special wasThe Sophia.Lorenzo had arranged for his friend who owned the gelateria to create a special selection of flavours in one cone, including a scoop of pistachio, chocolate, berries, strawberry and coconut. Each one of them my favourites. I was supposed to be controlling what I ate, but what the hell. I was on holiday. Calories didn’t count. It was okay to give myself a break sometimes and have some treats. Even so, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to finish all five scoops by myself, so asked Lorenzo to share it with me.

I’d starting tucking into the coconut one first and seconds later, Lorenzo bent over with laughter.

‘What?’ I’d asked.

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