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For the first time in months, we were alone and had enjoyed a few magical, carefree, uninterrupted hours together. Marta had messaged Lorenzo earlier to say Leo was fine. Robyn had emailed to say she’d had another chat with the team and all was well. So I was feeling relaxed. No worrying about feed times, the business, cleaning up oranything. Just having fun. It felt pretty great. Maybe I’d worried unnecessarily this morning. Perhaps Iwasready to get back in the game again after all?

We checked into the hotel. Lorenzo led us up to our room, then opened the door.

It was stunning. As soon as you entered, there was a stylish bathroom right next to the door, then in the main room there were beautiful frescoed ceilings (the fancy way of saying ceilings with pretty murals painted on them), large windows with—wow—a view of the Duomo itself, parquet flooring and a bed: a very, very big bed. Fit for a queen and a couple of lovers. A bit like the giant hotel bed on that failed trip to Florence.

Was this it? Was today the day? Was this whereitwould finally happen? Where I’d lose my MARGINITY. Again?

After months of not feeling ready to do anything, I was excited that earlier I’d felt a tiny urge. Then we’d entered this grand room, with this grand bed, so all the signs were looking positive. Maybe it would be just like a film. We’d suddenly become overcome with passion, throw our clothes off frantically, then dive onto it. Just like we used to. I’d feel normal again and confident and we’d be at it like rabbits the whole weekend. That would be amazing.


If it wasn’t so terrifying…

My stomach plummeted.

Suddenly a wave of fear washed over me.

My head began to swim with thoughts of all the things that could go wrong.

‘I, er… I’m just going to the bathroom,’ I said.

‘Okay. Try not to be long. I have plans for us…’ He winked as he whipped off his jeans and top then flopped back onto the bed. ‘And, Soph?’


‘You will not need any clothes. Just your underwear,sì?’

‘Right… o-okay,’ I replied before shutting the bathroom door and resting my back against it.

Shit, shit, shit.

Lorenzo wanted me to come out in my underwear. In broad daylight. There was no way he could see me like this. With the way my body looked.

I know I said I thought I felt a tingle earlier, but now when I think about it, maybe it was just because I needed the loo. My weak bladder playing tricks on me.

Lorenzo seemed like he was really up for it. He couldn’t get his clothes off quick enough, and now he was there: waiting for me. On the bed.


I had a wee, washed my hands, then sat on the edge of the bath, trying to calm myself down.

‘You coming?’ Lorenzo called out.

‘Yep…,’ I said, trying to sound normal and not like my insides were tied in knots.

I couldn’t hide in here forever. I wrapped a large bath towel around me to cover my stomach and thighs.

Here goes nothing…

I know we’d had a nice day out, and normally afternoon sex in a hotel with my hot boyfriend would be a classic fantasy, but not today.

Not yet.

As stupid as it would sound, I’d have to explain to Lorenzo that even though I was feeling much more relaxed and even though it had now been six months, I still wasn’t ready.

Fingers crossed he would understand…

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