Page 35 of The One You Want

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Gray sighed. “Marc works for his dad, who is getting older and has some health issues. About two years ago, he had a mild stroke. No lasting side effects, but it scared him. Marc talked to his dad about cutting back at work and letting him take thelead. His dad agreed, so long as Marc took a good long look at his life and changed his ways, too. He told Marc that he regretted not taking his relationships seriously and focusing on family instead of . . . basically chasing women.”

“I take it when he had the stroke there was no one there for him aside from Marc and your family.”

“He was home alone and felt like something was off. He called the woman he’d been seeing and asked if she’d come to the house. She said she had something else going on and couldn’t get away. Luckily, he decided not to wait and see if he felt better. He went to urgent care. If he’d waited even ten more minutes... It could have been a lot worse. They treated him and he’s good. But it was a wake-up call. He changed his diet, cut back on his drinking, took some time to think about what he really wanted in a partner, and found it in Peg. She’s kind and sweet and takes care of him. Because she does, he spoils her in every possible way. I’ve never seen him so... in love.”

“And he wants that for his son.”

“He’s always been demanding of Marc when it comes to school and the business. He basically laid down the law. Stop treating his personal life like a party that never ends and get serious about his future. He told Marc, and I agree, if his personal life was going to continue to be a source of strife all the time, then work was going to suffer and eventually the business would fail.”

“So in the course of reflecting on his personal relationships, he figured out that those bad affairs contributed to some of his business troubles.”

Gray nodded. “He could literally see the ups and downs in his life and business and how they correlated. When things were good, they were really good. And vice versa.”

“So what you’re saying is that Marc’s father basically told him to get his personal life in order if he ever wanted to take over the business. He hooks up with Maggie. She’s fantastic. Easy to get along with. She’s happy in her life. She always has been. I aspire to be her kind of blissful.”

Gray nodded with a grin. “I like her a lot.”

“But you’re concerned, and so am I now, because he’s a serial cheater who asked Maggie to marry him after only eight months after his dad basically gave him an ultimatum.”

“I’m not saying what they have isn’t real, or that he’s not capable of a lasting relationship. I’ve seen his father do a complete one-eighty. Maybe that inspired Marc to do the same. I want Marc and Maggie to be happy. I hope they will be for a long time to come.”

“That’s very optimistic.”

“I have no reason to feel otherwise, other than the fact that Marc and I have a past riddled with competition, pranks, upset, and jealousy.”

“Are you jealous of Marc? Because you shouldn’t be.”

Gray shrugged. “It’s not jealousy on my part, just that I can’t believe he found someone and is getting married before me. Up until he told me he proposed to Maggie, I would have sworn he’d spend his whole life a bachelor and be happy about it. But every time I’m with someone, yeah, I see his jealousy that I’ve got something he can’t seem to manage.”

“Maggie is smart. If she thought for a second he wasn’t committed, that there was any sign of something going on, she’d call him out on it.”

Then again, Maggie had been devastated when her last relationship fell apart. Joel broke things off because Maggie wanted children and he didn’t. The painful decision knocked Maggie off her axis, and then only a few months later she started dating Marc, who seemed all too eager to start a family. Rose worried that her friend might be on the rebound, but she seemed so happy that Rose hoped that wasn’t the case.

“You’re right,” Gray agreed with her. “And really, it’s none of my business. I know Marc’s past. While we see each other for family things and call each other once in a while to catch up, we’re not best friends. I was surprised he asked me to be his best man instead of one of the many other guys he hangs with. Maybe he asked me because he wants me to see that he’s changed. Maybe he wants to rub it in my face that he’s happy with someone and I’m alone.”

That didn’t speak well of Marc at all.

“Or maybe it’s because I’m his cousin, and my uncle expected him to pick me because weddings are about family. I don’t know.”

Rose sighed out her frustration. “It’s hard to wait and see if Marc has changed when he’s marrying someone I care about.” And Rose had seen firsthand how callous he was about his relationships. She hoped that was in the past.

Gray nodded. “I get that. All we can do is support them no matter what.” Gray put his hand over hers again. “While I’mgrateful they brought us together, I don’t want to spend what little time I have with you talking about them.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Aren’t you and Marc leaving soon for the bachelor party?”

Gray sighed. “Yeah. A night of drinking and tame debauchery.”

She eyed him, confused. “Is there such a thing?”

“In a strip club, yes. It’s all, here’s a bunch of mostly naked girls. Don’t touch.” He smirked. “It’s an illusion. They act like they want you, but all they want are big tips. It’s their job. But some guys like to get lost in the fantasy.”

She cocked a brow. “You’re not one of them?”

“Who do you think I’d rather spend an evening with? A stripper who means nothing to me and I have to pay to keep her attention? Or you? Someone I’d really like to get to know better. And much more intimately.”

She blushed and crossed her legs under the table to stave off the building ache in her core. “I wish we could spend more time together, too.” She glanced at her phone on the table and noted the time.

“You have to go, don’t you?” Gray didn’t hide his disappointment.
