Page 16 of The One You Want

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“Do you like to cook?” she asked, because she liked to cook and bake, but was far from a master chef.

“When I have the time. I travel some and have a lot of dinner meetings, so I eat out a lot more than I’d like.”

“Really? You don’t like eating out?” That surprised her.

“I do. It just gets old after a while. Deals are usually made over drinks and steaks. Sometimes I just want a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs.”

“I suppose when you’re that high up in the company, everyone you meet with wants to be wined and dined.”

“Even some of the women I date,” he added. “I like a woman who appreciates a slice of pizza as well as a good cut of steak.”

Maggie rolled her eyes. “Don’t get her started on how pizza is a breakfast, lunch, and dinner food.”

“It is,” Gray agreed, holding her gaze. “Do you eat it cold?”

“It’s either gotta be cold or hot, not in between.”

“Where do you stand on pineapple?”

She put her elbow on the table and planted her chin in her palm. “I’m for it, especially if it comes with crumbled bacon. Ham is good, but bacon...” She sighed, practically tasting it.

Gray nodded. “You and I will get along great then.”

“I think so,” she confirmed.

“You two are just . . .” Maggie’s gaze bounced from her to Gray and back again. “There’s something going on here.”

Rose couldn’t deny it.

Gray gave her a barely there nod, confirming it.

Marc smacked the back of his hand against Gray’s shoulder. “You’ve got a way of reeling women in.”

Gray didn’t take offense; instead he smiled at Maggie. “You caught a keeper. I’m still trying to find mine.” His warm gaze landed on Rose again.

She appreciated that he genuinely liked Maggie.

“I know a good thing when I see it.” Marc’s gaze swept over Rose before he turned to Maggie.

Her friend seemed to melt at his words and didn’t even notice the ripple of an undercurrent in the conversation.

Or maybe Rose read too much into everything because she was feeling guilty. And honestly, she felt a little guilty about flirting with Gray without telling him she had a past with his cousin.

She never knew drinks could turn into something so complicated.

“What is going on inside that beautiful head of yours?” Gray was too observant.

But she liked the way he paid attention to her. “Weddings.” That didn’t really explain anything.

But Gray seemed to understand in part. “They do get you thinking about love, relationships, and life.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “Not to mention family.”

“Maggie mentioned you were staying with your family while you’re here.”

Marc answered for her this time. “She grew up with an alcoholic father and had a shit childhood.”

She didn’t remember telling him that when they met a year ago, so she assumed Maggie had filled him in.
