Page 14 of The One You Want

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“It’s been a lot of long days and weekends.”

“And I’m sure everyone in the company can’t wait to see their shares skyrocket them to millionaires.”

Gray chuckled. “Well, the founders, and a few key people for sure, but everyone else who got stock options will just be very happy to see the stocks pay off.”

“One of those founders is sitting next to you,” Marc pointed out, making Gray look a little embarrassed.

Rose held her glass up. “To all that hard work paying off.”

Gray clinked his glass to hers. “Thanks.”

“You should be proud of the work you do. It’s not easy to get a tech company off the ground, let alone take it public.”

“True. I hope this isn’t a sore point, but what happened with the job you applied for?”

“I never heard back a year ago, or since I applied again.”

Gray’s brow shot up. “I seriously can’t believe that. You work for Lincoln Global. We actively recruit from them. I’m going to find out why you were overlooked and make sure you get an interview.”

“Don’t you at least want to see my résumé first?”

Gray shrugged. “Lincoln only hires the best, so I know you’re better than good.”

“She is.” Marc sipped his beer, acting like that hadn’t been some kind of innuendo, even if Maggie and Gray didn’t know it. Of course, she couldn’t be sure Marc hadn’t intended it that way. Then he added, “Maggie is always talking about how Rose finished a project early and under budget and how she got a promotion and a raise.”

“And still I feel underpaid. My company gets a huge bonus for completing the project early, but I’m the one who has to work long hours on a tight schedule.”

Her salary seemed like a lot of money, but when her normal workweek exceeded sixty hours, and she added in Silicon Valley’s high cost of living, and that men in her company were promoted over her, it didn’t seem enough.

“Sounds like you’re underappreciated and you should definitely be working at Huff Tech.” Gray looked serious. “I meanit. Whoever overlooked your résumé should be fired for letting you get away. I’m not that stupid.”

She wondered if he was still talking about the job, or something much more personal.

“Make him work for it, Rose.” Marc snickered. “He’s used to having to work hard for what he wants.”

Gray held her gaze. “It’s worth it when it’s something I really want.”

Maggie leaned in with a huge smile on her face. “And is she the one you want?”

Rose felt the blush rise from her chest up to her cheeks.

“Definitely,” Gray answered without taking his eyes off her and setting her blood on fire.

“Well, uh, you haven’t made me an offer yet.”

One side of Gray’s mouth drew back in a half smile. “I’m working on it. I don’t want to slip up and offend you. I want to be sure you get everything you want.” The deep timbre of his voice, the heat and sexuality humming in it, shot right through her.

She pressed her thighs together to stave off the building heat between her legs. She’d never been seduced quite like this.

“Stop flirting and do the deed,” Marc teased, breaking the spell between her and Gray.

Gray took a sip of his drink and continued to hold her gaze. “There’s something to be said for taking your time.” Gray slowly leaned into her and whispered in her ear, “You positively glow when you’re turned on and I find that sexy as hell.” He leaned back just enough to look her in the eye to let her knowhe meant every word. And nothing but pure desire burned in the depths of his blue-green eyes.

Did she seriously ban one-night stands from her life? Because right now, she’d walk out of this bar and jump right into his bed without a single reservation. The only thing she’d probably regret was not getting to do it again.

Gray sat back, but as he moved she felt the whisper of his finger brush across her knee, sending a delicious shiver of electricity up her thigh.

Maggie clasped her hands together at her chest. “I’m so glad you two hit it off. We’ll all be spending a lot of time together this week.”
