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Something You’d Like, Sweet Girl?


After all this time, it’s hard for me to keep my hands off Logan, to not kiss him longer and deeper every chance I get, knowing that if I kiss him the right way, he’ll grow hard. I wet my lips, feeling a heat rush to my cheeks. Reaching for my drink, Logan watches me closely.

Loving the effect we hold over each other, Logan licks his lips as he discreetly adjusts himself in his pants from across the table. Smirking at his discomfort, I can’t believe he wants me so badly, he can barely stand it.

He never could hide his emotions from me.

Lowering my eyes, I try to hold in my laughter at the irony of all.

If I was being honest, neither was I.

After dinner, Logan nor I were ready to end the night, so we took a walk. Caught up in conversation, I nearly missed my first text notification since arriving on the boat.

“Guess I must have picked up a signal,” I chuckled.

Retrieving my phone from my side pouch, there was a message waiting for me. “It’s Jade,” I explained, unlocking my phone to read the message. “She said they saw us pass and wanted to know if we want to join them?”

“Is that something you’d like, sweet girl?” He asked, giving me the option.

Being with Logan meant we didn’t have to do extravagant things in order for it to be special. As long as we were laughing and enjoying each other’s company, we were happy. “I’d love to.”

Smiling, Logan leaned in and closed the distance between us. Resting his forehead against mine, he took a moment to breathe me in. Reaching my arms up around his neck, I pulled myself to my feet as we moved into each other. Slipping his hands around my waist, I felt safe, steady, and balanced.

Once I was steady on my feet, Logan lifts his hands back to my face, swipes his thumbs over my cheeks before leaning in to press his lips against mine. Putting everything he felt into this one kiss, I pulled him even closer as he slipped his left hand into my hair, using it to tip back my head.

God, I never want this feeling to end.

With my heart fluttering in my chest, I held my breath with anticipation as Logan swept me into his powerful arms. Encompassed in his love, it filled me with warmth as I leaned into his embrace. Kissing my cheek, he’s reluctant to release me. “How about that movie before we get carried away?” He said, his mouth hitching up in a sexy smirk.

*** Logan ***

Leading the way, Stephanie wove us through the lounge chairs that were strategically set up around the pool. Finding us to a spot off to the side, Stephanie turned to me. “How about here?” She asked, drawing her lip between her teeth.

Knowing how much she favored the shadows, I’d go with the flow for the time being, but I’d make it my mission to bring her into the light where she belongs in due time.

Weaving my way through a few more loungers, I finally reached her side. “It’ll do, for now,” I teased.

Sending me a look, Stephanie couldn’t keep a straight face when it came to giving me sass. Cracking a smile, she waved me off. “Did you catch what movie is playing?”

I was too busy watching her.

“No, I didn’t,” I admitted, as she parked her chair.

“You’ll sit with me?” She asked, motioning towards the space beside her.

How was that even a question?

“If that’s what you want?” I whispered, following her lead.

Pushing to her feet, she stuck out her hand. “Can I borrow you?”

Jumping into action, I reached for her. “Always,” I replied, giving her the support she needed.

Joining Stephanie on the lounger, the gang made their way over. “Here you guys are,” Jade huffed. “What are you doing sitting off to the side?”

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