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Her chest swells as her eyes bounce between mine. “You’ve always been so in tune with my needs,” she whispers softly, as tears fill her eyes.

Swallowing, I resist the urge to wipe them away as I drop my head to hers. Pulling in a deep breath, she tucks both her lips into her mouth, clamping them down before releasing them.

“Good evening, I’m Jack, you’re server for the night,” he said, introducing himself.

Straightening in my seat, I took the liberty to unfasten the button around my waist as Jack handed Stephanie and I the menu.

“Thank you,” Stephanie says softly, and calm-like.

“Can I get either of you something to drink before we start?”

I glance at Stephanie and she wets her lips. “You wouldn’t happen to serve watermelon margaritas, would you?”

“I’m fairly certain we can get that for you,” he nods. “And for the gentleman?” He asks, this time his attention is turned towards me.

“I’ll take a four horseman.”

“Excellent choice,” Jack commended. “I’ll be back right back with your drinks,” he says, excusing himself.

A silence falls over us as we study the menu, but only for a moment. “I can’t wait to taste the food,” Stephanie expresses.

“See anything you like?”

Her eyes raise above the menu. “I might,” as her face flushed with color.

Smiling like a fool when she teases me like this, I don’t give a damn who knows it. The chemistry between us is off the charts -at least from where I’m sitting.Judging by Stephanie’s body language, there’s no way this attraction is one-sided.It can’t be.

As a low laugh leaves me, Jack returns with our drinks. Carefully placing them on the table, Jack once again removes his notepad from his breast pocket. “Have you had enough time to review the menu?” He asked, his eyes bouncing between Stephanie and I.

Rubbing her lips together, Stephanie closed her menu. “I’ll have the creamy dill chicken with roasted potatoes and green beans, please.”

Unable to settle on anything, Stephanie’s order sounds pretty good. “I’ll take the steak with roasted potatoes and green beans, please,” I say, handing Jack both our menus.

Once Jack leaves, I lean back in my chair. Stealing a glimpse of Stephanie’s softer side, a blush shades her cheeks when she notices.

“I’m going to need you to stop looking at me like that,” Stephanie says, with vulnerability swirling in her eyes.

A small smile finds my lips as I move closer. “Like what?” I ask, knowing exactly what she’s talking about.

“Like you can’t wait to get me alone,” she says, her voice so low I nearly missed it.

Biting back the urge to say what’s really on my mind, my hand comes up to rub across my lips. Flashes of Stephanie in my bed fill my mind. “Maybe that’s because I can’t,” I admit, holding her gaze.

Stephanie’s eyes are practically begging me to make a move. Wanting to make sure I give her the kiss of her life, I capture her lips. The moment our lips meet, I feel every memory rush back like a wave and it takes me under. At first, I control the kiss, softly and slowly, then deeper, as if I can’t get enoughbecause it’ll never be enough.

I’ll always want her.

I always have.

Her cheeks flush pink when a small whimper escapes her lips. I slowly break the kiss as her green eyes slowly open. As a slight frown mars her face, I brush my thumb over her cheek, as she leans into my touch. “As much as I don’t want to put a stop to this, I think it’s best if we want to make it through dinner.”

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