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Out of Touch


The kitchen smelled delicious when Bradly and I walked in. The aroma of garlic and spices filled the air the further I made my way. Surrounded by cooking stations in the center of all the commotion, giving directions to all the chefs around us, was Leon.

Observing the scene in front of me, it appeared as if each of the chefs had a station in their section of the kitchen. “Ah, Logan, Bradly, welcome,” Leon called, the moment he saw me. “Please come in,” he said, waving us into the kitchen.

Walking around one of the stations, we approached Leon’s right side.

“Let’s start off with a tour of the stations before we get yours ready, shall we?”

“Sounds good,” I nodded, Bradly tagging along.

Leading the way, we started back near the entrance. “This is Donna, she handles the pasta.” Donna nodded. “Next we have Henry, he’s in charge of sauteing our vegetables, next we have our sauce expert Miles.”

“Nice to meet you,” Miles said.

“Over here we have Theo who takes care of all our chicken dishes,” Theo nods. “And so on,” Leon says, motioning to the rest of the kitchen.

“This is impressive,” I said, expressing my excitement, as Leon led us towards a few other stations.

“On this side of the kitchen, we have our clean-up crew led by Maribel and our table-setter Delphine.”

“Hello,” they said in unison.

“Moving along, to the ingredients,” Leon said, leading me in the opposite directions. “This is our pantry,” he said with a look of pride as we entered a room entirely lined with shelves and goods.


“This half of the pantry is fresh goods,” he motioned to the right. “Here you’ll find everything from fresh spices to vegetables and of course anything else you can think of. In this half of the pantry, you’ll find all your dry ingredients, pasta, rice, beans,” I nod. “In the middle, we have our baking ingredients, flour, baking soda, sugar, salt, chocolate chips, almonds, the list goes on,” Leon continues. “As well as any oils or vignettes you might need.”

“Got it.”

“Next we have the fridges. In this one, we have all the dairy, milk, eggs, and cheese. In this one, we have all your condiments and refrigerated sauces. Over here are our meats, all fresh of course. Demitri here is our butcher and he’d be more than happy to help you find whatever you need.”

Demitri nodded from behind the counter.

“And finally we have the show kitchen where both you and Ronnie will entertain any VIP guests.”

Ronnie turned around at the sound of his name. “Ah, hey, man. Welcome,” Ronnie said, clapping me on the shoulder as Leon left me in his care. “Are you ready for this?” He asked, motioning towards the station.

“I think so,” I nodded. “I didn’t realize there would be an audience tonight?” I said, running my hand through my hair.

“Don’t sweat it. There are no VIPs tonight. I told my dad you had a group of friends aboard the ship and suggested that you entertain them before your spotlight on Sunday. You know, to get you comfortable.”

“That’s amazing. Thank you. I’ll reach out to Stephanie before we get started.”

Bringing up Stephanie’s contact, I hit the call button and let it ring but it went straight to voicemail. Hanging up, I hit redial and got her voicemail yet again.Maybe she’s on the phone?

“Hey Steph, it’s Logan. Turns out tonight’s taste testing needs an audience, any chance you and the gang might be interested in dinner? Call me when you get this.”

Disconnecting the call, I glanced across the kitchen at Bradly who was busy flipping through his phone. “What’s going on over there?” I asked, bringing up the recipes I had stored on my phone.

“What do you mean?” Bradly replied.

“You seem distracted,” I pointed out while I grabbed a notepad and pencil from Ronnie’s pocket. “Come to think about it, where were you this morning before we met up at the gym?” I asked, writing out an ingredient list.

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