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“What are you doing?” Taylor asked. “I thought I was paying for ice cream?”

“You can get it next time,” I offered, already charging it to my card.

“So, we’re coming back?”

Jade and I glanced at each other. “I’m guaranteeing we’ll be back. We both know you need your daily fix.”

“Am I that predictable?”

“Yes,” Jade and I sang in unison. “But we love you.”

Thanking the server as she passed Taylor and Jade their cones, she waited for me to become situated before she carefully passed me mine. “Thank you, Devyn,” I said, reading her name tag as we made the exchange. “Is there any way I could get one of those ice cream bowls and a spoon?” I asked. “I have a feeling this is going to melt all over me before I can dent it,” I explained, eyeing the huge scoop.

“Of course,” Devyn nodded in agreement. “Is there anything else I can get you?” She asks, collecting the items.

“No. I think that’s everything.”

Returning with the bowl and spoon, she offered me a smile. “I grabbed you a few extra napkins too, just in case,” she said, passing me the items.

“Much appreciated, thank you.”

“You’re welcome and have a good night.”

“You too,” I called on my way out.

“Do you make friends wherever you go?” Jade said.


“You are way too polite to everyone,” she teased, licking her cone.

“I am not,” I replied, doing my best to balance steering, holding my cone, and making sure the extra items Devyn gave me don’t fall from my lap. “You guys, this isn’t working,” I called, nearly losing my cone.

“Sounds like I arrived at the perfect time,” Logan said, standing in front of us.

Grinning with amusement, it did not surprise me to see him. He always had a knack for timing.

“Can we talk?” Logan asks, his voice low as my eyes search his. I could see the hurt in his eyes as he waited for me to reply.

“Please?” he adds in an even softer tone, before running his hand through his hair.

Unable to find my voice, I nodded as the ever-expanding ache between us shifts into an uncomfortable silence. “You guys don’t mind if I bail?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t ruining everyone’s night.

“Go on. We’ve already missed the movie. We might as well hit the club,” Taylor suggested, bumping Jade’s arm as Logan stood in front of us, his hands holding the items from my lap.

“Let me text Jeremiah and let him know we’re headed over early.

“Oh, hey. Tell him I found you,” Logan called after her.

Jade’s brow rose. “What?”

“I came to your table looking for Stephanie, but you guys had already left. Jeremiah suggested you might grab some ice cream before the movie.”

“I’ll tell him,” Jade said, nodding, before turning towards her phone.

“Are you sure you’re not mad?” I asked Taylor, quietly at my side.

Watching Logan, Taylor placed her hand on my shoulder. “I think the two of you deserve a chance to get caught up without Jade and I lurking,” she said, giving me permission to sneak off without feeling guilty.

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