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One Moment Alone


Letting my feelings get the best of me, I feel like a hostage to the games my heart likes to play. Slipping away into the crowd, the surrounding noises seem distant and distorted the further away I move. Giving my heart a moment to regain itself, I pause before I rebuild the walls I desperately hide behind.

Was it too much to ask for one moment alone with him?

I plead, my eyes welling with tears.

Pushing my feelings aside, I caught Jade’s line of sight before I was ready. “Hey,” she calls, her smile growing wide when she gains my attention. “Look who’s joining us,” she sang, waving me over. “Where’s Mr. Athlete?” She asks with confusion when she sees I’m alone.

Shoving my heartache aside, I put on a brave face. “He was called away by the coach.”

“Oh, that’s no fun,” Jade frowns. “Will he be joining us later?”

Pressing my lips together, I shrugged with disappointment. “I’m not sure.”

Seeing the look she and Taylor exchanged with each other, I could tell they knew my feelings were crushed. “We’ve only been on board a few hours. I’m pretty sure the two of you are going to reconnect on this trip.”

“Taylor’s right. Take a load off and enjoy yourself. You need to live a little. We’re on a freakin’ cruise, for God’s sake, Steph,” Jade advised. "We deserve this vacation so give me some good vibes, pretty lady."

Smiling at her enthusiasm, I knew she was right. “You're right. Thanks, guys.”

“Bring it in,” Jade says, opening her arms to bring the three of us in for a group hug.

Hugging it out, I was already feeling better. “Alright, let’s get something to eat. I’m starving. What have you two settled on?” I ask, glancing at the variety of different options the food court offered.

“There are so many great options here, but if I’m going to be sitting by the pool soon, there’s no way I’m eating anything other than a salad.”

“I second that,” Taylor says, pressing her palm against her flat stomach.

“You guys seriously have nothing to worry about,” I sigh, feeling a little self-conscious myself.

“Don’t go there, Steph,” Jade sang, knowing where my thoughts were wandering. “You’re totally going to kill it in a bikini.”

“Um, yeah. There will be no bikini on this trip.”

Jade’s eyes flew my way. “Oh, come on. We’re on a cruise. There’s no way you’re not getting into a suit.”

“Oh, I’ll wear a suit, just not a bikini,” I said, drawing my lip between my teeth. “Especially now that I know Logan’s aboard.”

“That’s exactly why you should get into a bikini.”

“I don’t know. It’s different when it’s just us hanging out by your pool, but there are thousands of people aboard. Which means there are way too many eyes looking at me.”

Judging me and my scars.

“My dear, Stephanie, you have nothing to worry about,” Jade says, leading us towards the salad place known as Light & Fresh. "You have a fabulous body, there is no reason whatsoever you should be hiding it."

“Says you,” I reply, getting into line. “You’re flawless.”

“Mark my words, dear Steph. You will rock a bikini before this trip is over.”

Knowing how persuasive Jade could be, I shook my head with amusement as we stepped up to the ordering counter. Pretending to skim the menu options, I couldn’t get the idea of wearing a bikini in front of Logan out of my head.

“Earth to Stephanie,” Jade calls. “What are you getting?”

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