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He hesitated longer than he meant to, unsure what, exactly, she was asking. Did she want to watch junk television with him, or did she really just want his thoughts on music? Something delicate in her eyes almost implied the former, but it seemed beyond presumptuous to assume Vivi Swan was looking for a regularHouse Hunters Internationalpartner.

“Or…were you headed somewhere?” she asked when he took too long to reply, looking from Remy to the direction he’d been walking in. At that moment, the Bus Three doors opened, and laughter poured out.

“Remy—oh, hey, Vivi,” Laurel called across the lot to them, her voice changing entirely when she said Vivi’s name. It became happier, shinier—more like Vivi’s stage voice. She let the bus door shut behind her and started their way.

Remy cleared his throat and said to Vivi, “I do have plans—but I can cancel them if you want to work on something now. Or you can email whatever you’ve got to me, and I can give it a listen tonight?”

Laurel reached them, a grin stretched across her face. “Want to join us, Vivi? Just for a little bit?”

Vivi smiled instantly, the expression suddenly trained. “Not tonight, but thanks. Remy, maybe tomorrow sometime, to work on that song? I can fit you in somewhere in the early evening—I’m in New York in the morning, but I’m flying back private that afternoon.”

“Working on a song? Very cool,” Laurel said, still grinning. Remy thought, though he couldn’t be certain, that Vivi hoped Laurel would spontaneously vanish just as badly as he did.

“That sounds good. Should I…come by…your bus?” Remy asked. Immediately, he realized that his words sounded a) stupid and b) a little lewd.

“Yes. I’ll tell my security team,” she said. Then, briskly, “It was nice to see you, Laurel—”

“You’re sure you don’t want to come hang out?” Laurel asked, jumping again.

“No, no, I’d ruin it. You’d all have to turn over your cell phones, and I know everyone hates that,” Vivi said, smiling again and waving her hands, like this was such a silly problem, but hey, what’re ya gonna do? “See you tomorrow, Remy!” She took a surefooted step back into her bus; the doors wheeled shut behind her.

“She could justnotmake us turn in our phones,” Laurel grumbled as soon as Vivi was out of sight.

“Does she always make you, when she’s around you guys?” Remy asked as, together, they started toward Bus Three.

“She’s never around us. We’re lepers once we’re offstage. Except foryou, apparently. How’d you swing that?” Laurel asked.

Remy shrugged. “It’s just because we got stuck on the bus together. I played her one of my pieces, and she was into it. It’s not like we’re friends or anything.”

“Ha, trust me, I know—Vivi Swan doesn’t have friends. But whatever you are, hang on to it. It’s career gold,” Laurel said, sounding disheartened. “She wouldn’t even tweet about my solo album. I asked her, and she gave me some line about not wanting to associate her brand with too many projects. But I’m like ninety percent sure it’s just because it had a song about masturbating on it.”


Laurel nodded. “It’s a great song. But I guess the Vivi Swan Brand doesn’t masturbate. No wonder she’s always so pissy, right?” she said as they reached the Bus Three door. She turned to Remy, a laugh in her eyes, and it suddenly felt like returning the laugh was required in order to board the bus.

So Remy laughed, loudly, and followed her inside.

Noel Said WHAT!?

America’s Playboy earns his title

Vivi Swan and Noel Reid have supposedly been headed to splitsville for a while now, but last night, sources tell us Noel Reid may have accelerated the trip. While at one of his favorite haunts—LA’s swanky Reign club—he was caught by our cameras getting more than a little friendly with a handful of ladies. When asked about how Vivi would react to his dirty dancing, Noel grinned and said, “The heart wants what it wants.”

Vivi is currently on the first leg of her world tour, and her tour buses were chased out of Portland two nights ago by aggressive paps (not ours). Fans finally got a few cell phone pictures of the starlet, and she doesn’t look too torn up about the whole Noel thing. Then again, maybe her heart wants someone else these days anyhow? She’s due for a new breakup—and frankly, we’d love to hear the song she’d write about Noel. Though, Vivi, let’s be real—at this point, have you considered writing a song called “Maybe It’s Me”?

Comments: 721

Author: Bianca Treble

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