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“Thomas texted me before you left the house.” He checked boxes on his chart and smiled at me before directing us to the elevators that led to the operating room.

When Iasked Thomas when he had managed to text him, he responded with ashrug. The sneak.

“What can Ido?” he asked Dr. Hughes as he pushed me through the halls.

“You can relax, hold your wife’shand, and trust us to take care of the rest.”

When we reached the elevators and waited for them to arrive, Thomas stared at him like he was speaking in aforeign language.

He squatted next to me when Itugged on his arm sleeve, rubbing my belly in slow circles for comfort. “Are you in pain? What’sgoing on? Tell me everything.”

“Don’tget too upset,” Iwhispered.Inhale…exhale…

“I’mnot upset, Ionly want them to take the best care of you three.”

The elevator doors opened and we entered, Dr. Hughes pressing the third-floor button. “The operating team is waiting for you upstairs. Once we get there, they’ll check Erin and the babies’ vitals and if everything’sokay, they can start the surgery.”

“If?” Thomas’svoice rose and afew of the hospital nurses turned their heads in our direction. Itugged on his sleeve again, signaling for him to calm down.

“Thomas, as of right now we don’tknow the twins’ situation, but it’snot abnormal for her to go into labor at this stage of the pregnancy.” Dr. Hughes didn’tlook deterred and offered my panicked husband areassuring smile. “There shouldn’tbe any problems, but we need to treat it with caution, just like any other pregnancy.”

Thomas growled, asound that for some reason made me laugh. He tilted his head down and his lips twitched to the side as he shook his head. He couldn’tstay serious for too long these days.

When we finally arrived at the OR, they admitted us and Iwas helped up to lie on ahospital bed while the nurse ran an ultrasound. “The babies appear to be fine,” she concluded, and the operation went under way.

Abig curtain was placed in the center of my body, hiding the procedure from me. Thomas stood by my side, wearing green hospital scrubs.

Atear slipped out of my eye. “They’re doing fine, did you hear that?”

“Yeah, Erin, Idid. You’re doing so well, my love.”

Inodded, the anesthesia starting to kick in and the pain diminishing. “Did you call my mom?”

“Idid. She’ll be out here on the next flight with Corey. My parents will be here soon, and will meet us when it’sdone.”

Isqueezed his hand, grateful for this husband of mine who took care of everything for me. We didn’ttake our eyes off each other as we waited for the long-anticipated baby cry to pierce our ears.

When it came, our first baby screaming at the top of his lungs, Thomas’stears broke free and rolled down his face.

“Congratulations, baby number one is here!” The nurse exclaimed and placed one screaming, healthy baby on my right breast.

Rowan, the name we chose for our boy to represent the color red, was so tiny. The little angel was covered in blood, yet Isaw through all of it—the sheer and absolute perfection of him. He placed his little hand on my chest and Icried, my face crumpling same as his. Thomas didn’tmove amuscle, stunned.

“Come over here, Dad,” Iencouraged him through sobs. “You can touch him.”

He extended his hand warily and caressed Rowan with the same gentleness as he did me. “He’sthe most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Soon after we heard another cry blaring from behind the curtain. The fierce Violet, screaming her lungs out.

“Baby number two has arrived!” The nurse brought my beautiful baby girl to my other breast, and if possible, Icried even harder.

“They’re both so perfect.” Thomas crouched down next to us, his eyes moving between the babies and me. “You did it, Erin. You did it.”

“It was us,” Icorrected him, staring down at the two treasures Iheld in my arms. “It was always us.”

The End.

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