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“Ah, Imight not have baked with either Laura or Zach, but it doesn’tmean Ididn’tuse their help.” Aspark shone from her eyes in the darkened room. “They dropped by to hang it when we were out.”

“You are as sneaky as you are wonderful.” Ibrushed her smiling lips with my thumb. She slipped her tongue out, handing me an identical torture to the one Iinflicted on her before, and with the little air Ihad left in my lungs Isaid, “As you are mine.”

My thumb dropped to the side, my forehead finding hers, her sweet breath finding mine. My heart expanded in my chest, thrumming and barging against the cage that held him aprisoner for adecade and ahalf and Ikissed her once, ashort and completely unsatisfying kiss.

In my mad attempt to be this one entity with her like she drew, one light kiss led to another. Instead of pacifying me, it drove me wilder as Iparted her lips and tasted every bit of her mouth with my tongue. The chocolate, the cake, the frosting, and the most enticing and delicious flavor Iever tasted—Erin.

Although we stood in what otherwise would be described as ahouse, my real home resided in Erin’sheart, and Ilonged for my heart to be that home for her, to be the ever-growing, ever-consuming, ever-present love.

Iwanted to be that for the rest of my life.

“Erin.” Ibroke our kiss, hardly breathing without her air.

“Hmm?” She opened her eyes and let me look into her soul, and for aminute Iforgot anything but her ever existed.

My lips traced hers, missing the feel of her, needing that constant connection.

“Thank you, again. For all the things Ican remember and even for the smallest ones that Ican’t, you changed me completely. You…everything that you do, even in your silence, it’severything to me. And…fuck.”

Anxiety encapsulated me amoment before Itold her the words Ihad never told anyone else.

“Erin, Ilove you.”

The tears she’dbeen containing overflowed and gushed down her cheeks, to her rosy lips. For afleeting moment she hesitated, her mouth refusing to speak and then, if she hadn’tbefore, Erin owned me by saying, “Ilove you too. Ilove you so much, Thomas.”

Iblinked, the room turning and changing, my eyes suddenly seeing the world like my lover did. The raging lights and colors from her painting came to life, surrounding and framing her face, and it was marvelous.

What Ifelt could only be described as frozen, enchanted, possessed, and in my immobile state, Erin awoke. She ransacked the buttons of my shirt, sliding her hands inside and shoving both my shirt and jacket off me and to the floor. My arms lifted, complying to her as she snatched my undershirt up and over my head.

Unable to contain my desire for her, Istarted working on getting her naked. Her shirt and bra came off when she was done with me, the dotted linen fabric falling down her arms to the curve of her hips, the lace of her bra trailing behind. Entranced, Iwatched as her chest heaved, and Ifelt the pain of being unable to touch her, even as we were inches apart.

My arms were quick to act on this practically physical ache and swooped her in. There were goosebumps on her back wherever my fingers reached, which was everywhere, even though the room was far from cold.

Every tingling sensation that rushed through Erin, thrusted her forward to me, with her hard and soft panes and everything in between. As Isucked on her neck, Ifound the zipper at the top of her skirt, pulled it down, and gripped her lush ass, squeezing it with the force of my need.

When she dug her fingers into my hair, tugging it lightly, Iraised my head to the fierce and tortured look of Erin. She used the hold she had on the back of my neck to keep me in place when she crushed her lips to mine.

Her moans were my undoing and Ihoisted her up, her legs spreading and locking around me instinctively. Icarried her to my bed, which Iliked to think of as our bed by now, placing her down gently as Iplanned on showing her the depths and sincerity of my love for her.

She moved higher up on the bed, her legs wide, her eyes wild as Iremoved the remaining clothes Ihad on. She slipped off her thong, baring her damp entrance to me. Istalked to where she lay, leaned on the mattress on either side of her head, and softly, ever so tenderly, pushed inside her.

We moved as one through this swarm of emotions. The bed grunted beneath our weight, the sounds swallowed by our breaths and the repetitive I-love-yous we proclaimed to one another. Icouldn’tsay it enough and couldn’thear it enough, this love that floated from our insides and around us.

Icouldn’ttear my gaze from her either, and my heart shattered when more tears stained her cheeks. Istopped, worried above any other feeling. “Erin?”

“I’mokay.” She nodded, wiping atear with the back of her hand. “These are happy tears. I’mso friggin happy, Thomas.”

Relief washed over me, and Ipeppered her face with kisses, slowly resuming rocking in and out of her, loving her more with each thrust. She arched her back, sunk her nails in my arms, and breathed my name like aprayer as Iburrowed deeper inside her.

Loving her was bliss. Having her walls tighten around me was euphoric. Having her come with me inside her felt like an earth-shattering, out-of-body experience. Icame when her shudders hit me, more forcefully than ever, and Ikissed her as if Ihad no need for air.

Maybe Ireally didn’t.

As the tremors subsided, Idrew away from Erin’swarmth and spooned her back to me, rubbing soothing circles on her belly, lowering my head to her shoulder.

“My love,” Imurmured. “Igave up on love along time ago. But with you, Iwant it more than anything. It’slike life has anew meaning with you in it.”

She turned to look at me, caressing my face from my temple to the bottom of my beard. “Ifeel the same. Like I’mnot damaged when I’mwith you. I’mmore whole than I’ve ever been.”

“You’re not damaged. You never were.” Ikissed her forehead and brought her to me, loving her more with every beat of her heart. “You’re everything that’swhole and good in this world.”

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