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For Erin, Iwoke up every morning thinking how to chase her fears away, what things would make her feel cared for, empowered. These are the things Iput my mind to, but opening the doors…damn, that came as easy as breathing.

That and the never-ending craving to have her naked underneath me. And as Irattled the key in the lock in an attempt to enter my home, Inearly lost it, nearly died when another minute that seemed like alifetime passed without losing myself in her.

My arms snaked around her waist as soon as the door closed behind us, spinning her and hugging her to me. Iwas painfully drawn to her full, sweet lips, angling my head lower to place akiss on them, almost there.

“Wait.” She separated our lips with her finger.

Iwondered if she put her fingers on my lips as achallenge instead of as ameans to stop me. Between the two, the challenge alternative appealed to me and my ravenous need for her. Iparted my lips and took her finger in, sucking on it thoroughly and swirling my tongue around it.

She shuddered, her eyes glued to where my mouth made love to her finger. “Ihave one more surprise for you.”

“It’ll have to wait until the morning.” Sliding her finger out of my mouth, Idipped my head to her neck. Her velvety skin welcomed my lips as she angled her head for me, areflexive, dancelike move we’dbeen practicing for weeks.

“Erin,” Igrunted her name, hungry despite having just returned from dinner. “You’re the best and only gift Iwant.”

“It’sanother sort of me and another you.” Her voice trailed off and transformed into moans when my hand wandered up her shirt, my fingers tweaking the hardened nipple through her bra.

She slapped her hands against my chest, grasping at my shirt. Her hesitation cracked an opportunity for me to keep pleasuring her, pressing harder into every part of her Icame in contact with, my cock hardening from having her crumple at my touch.

“Thomas, please.” She stepped back, breathing rapidly. “Ireally think you’ll like it.”

Without waiting for my response, she twirled in place, her hair, straight this evening, spinning with her. She glided across the first floor like anymph and Ifollowed. Ispotted her shadow in the master bedroom and peeked inside, my curiosity rising.

“Thomas,” she called to me in asultry tone, “close your eyes.”

Iobeyed her, pinching my eyes shut and listening to her light footsteps tapping on the floor. The smell of her lavender shampoo quickly enveloped me when she stopped next to me, and the soft touch of her hand on my arm spread everywhere.

If that was what she had planned as the surprise, I’dbe asking for it every night, to stand here and be immersed in her. Alas, as she guided me farther into the room, Isoon realized she had something else in mind.

We walked afew short steps, then Erin closed her hand on my wrist. “We’re here. You can open your eyes, Thomas.”

Icracked them open, not knowing what to expect. In front of me, in the home studio Imade for myself behind the French doors, was ahung life-size drawing of Erin and me. My eyes widened and Irubbed them to make sure Isaw what Ithought Isaw and yes, it was us. Intricate yet simple, shocking yet soothing, beautiful.

The drawing with the few strokes of paints she implemented was enough to suck the breath out of me, and there were no adequate words to describe how it touched me, how Erin’sgentle power took down another brick in what Ithought was asturdy wall around my heart.

She drew us in black and white with apencil from imagination, her lying on her back and me cradling her like one of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’sepic photos. Her hair was sprawled back like flames licking the mattress, long and tousled, her eyes looking to my side toward me, where Ihad my nose to the corner of her lips.

Somewhere along the lines where our arms hugged each other she blended the lines, making us as one but not really. We were one and yet we each were our own person.

Around us though, was where the magic truly happened. She painted spirals of every color imaginable around us—bright reds, yellows, pinks, greens, and blues, more light flashed than oil. It illuminated the whole painting. It illuminated us.

Whatever talent Imight have possessed, Erin surpassed it with her ability to convey such rawness onto the page.

“Does that fall under thetoo muchdefinition?” She bit her nail when Istood there, mouth agape and shocked.

“If it’sanything, it’stoo perfect. Thank you.” Iturned to her, curbing my befuddlement and allowing the awe to shine through. “Erin, sometimes Ifeel that I’mnot worthy of you.”

“Don’tbe ridiculous.” She bit her bottom lip, looking at the floor.

Igrazed her jaw with my palm, bringing her deep, watery brown eyes to mine. “Imean it. You’re apuzzle to me, still. Idon’tknow what you see in me, but Iam so incredibly grateful that you do.”

“Isee alot.” Erin’ssoft hand covered mine. “More than alot, Thomas. And you’re worth everything.”

Her heated skin reignited the fire in me, my palm gleefully entrapped. “One last question, my human jigsaw.”


“This wasn’there when Ileft the house, and trust me, Iwould’ve noticed.”

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