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She didn’thesitate to answer him. “Then you two giants must be the worst.” Her smile widened when he fist-bumped her. “Thomas told me the funniest stories about you.”

“Perfect, it means Ican share some of his.” He ignored the narrowed gaze Isent in his direction and headed to the kitchen. “But first, food. I’mstarved.”

“You read my mind,” Laura joined in. “Ihaven’thad abite to eat all day.”

“We don’twant to keep the lady waiting then.” He winked at her and trailed toward the kitchen.

“It’sLaura!” she called after him and he lifted his thumb in the air, then sat with Erin on the sofa. My heart warmed at the sight of the two laughing and talking animatedly with each other.

Ikissed Erin’scheek before heading after Zach to the kitchen area. “We’ll call you in asec.”

Zach hovered around the pans when Ientered. Iplaced asteady palm on his shoulder and spoke in alow tone. “Listen, you know you’re my favorite friend, right?”

“I’mbasically your only friend.”

Irolled my eyes, determined to have this out before he made me laugh. “Anyway, just try…to not fuck around with embarrassing stories.”

He tilted his head, faking deep thoughts. “Does that mean Ican’ttell them about drowning those asshole kids who picked on you with paint?”


“I’monly kidding. Don’tworry.” He pushed from the counter, helping me with setting the table.

Once it was organized, we all sat down together. Laura placed the napkin in her lap and started what seemed like aline of questioning. Despite her good-hearted nature, Iexpected nothing less from someone who cared about Erin. “So, Thomas, how was your work trip?”

“Can’tcomplain.” Iserved Erin some vegetables and passed the bowl to Laura. “Ifinished the two paintings in time and my old clients were happy. Iowe them so much, so Ireally didn’tmind going.” Ilooked at Erin with affection and she squeezed my hand lightly. “Besides missing her.”

“Ugh, you two, get aroom.” Zach groaned and gulped down his wine.

“Iactually think it’svery sweet.” Laura grinned at Erin while elbowing him in the ribs.

While she turned from him, he gazed at her like he thought it was the coolest thing she could’ve done. “You gotta understand…” He filled both of their glasses and Laura thanked him. “Thomas and Igo way back to the diaper era, and he’snever dated or brought up any women he’sbeen with.”

“Blyat.” Iburied my face in my hands, rubbing my temples. His opening statement felt ominous at best. Ichanced aglance at Erin who regarded him like he was about to spill out the secrets of the universe.

Please let the rest of this sentence not be ominous.

“…and you know how gorgeous the Russian women there are.”

Don’tstress, there must be some silver lining in all of this.

Laura put her fork down and folded her arms over her chest, achallenging smile curving up.

“They don’thave anything on you, my fair lady.” He grinned at her, enjoying the challenge. “But anyway, to finally meet the woman who forced him out of his antisocial ways… I’mrooting for her. With slightly less PDA, I’mrooting for her.” Zach ducked as Ithrew anapkin at him.

Erin burst out her sweet laughter, unruffled by the mention of my sex life. My past sex life, the ones that didn’thave aslight resemblance to what Ihad with her. Igave her every reason to feel confident in it, and Iplanned on giving her alot more, to her and her alone.

Afew wine bottles in and awhole lot of spaghetti later, Laura and Zach were passing jokes and telling stories of their hectic work life, making each other crack up.

And while they were busy on their side of the table, Erin returned to our PDA, or SPDA. Secretive Public Display of Affection. Regardless of how contradictory it sounded, it happened.

The inconspicuous woman leaned in to pour me arefill of wine and grazed my forearm with her breasts to give me aglimpse of her lace bra. When my glass was very much full, she kept blowing on her own food before each bite, although we’dbeen sitting there for over an hour, just to give me abetter view of her lips.

Tiny, almost indiscernible actions no one would have noticed besides the person they were aimed at, the helpless person whose only relief was to stare.

She sidetracked me from the conversation, ignoring afriend Ihadn’tseen or talked to in almost amonth. Afriend who disregarded my pleas to not bring up embarrassing things.

Ishould have added family stuff to that sentence. Lawyers and their attention to details.

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