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In thelast twenty-four hours since Erin and Ihad been reunited, we existed on words, feelings, bodily fluids, and cupcakes. She loved the red velvet ones, but it didn’tmean she didn’ttaste the rest of them.

We talked for hours, and Ilistened intently while picking up on things that brought her joy, preparing alist in my head for later use. For now though, her stomach spoke for her when it told me Erin had to eat something more substantial than cupcakes.

“Sorry.” She covered her eyes while holding her belly.

“Don’tbe.” Icarefully removed her hand from her face and kissed it. I’dbeen kissing her nonstop, constantly longing for her sweet skin. “That’s”—Igestured at the strewn cupcake boxes on the bed—“not real food. I’ve been selfish in keeping you here.”

“Selfish wouldn’texactly be how I’ddescribe you.” She twisted astrand of hair in her hand, smiling apologetically. “And the fridge is empty. Sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? You were away for three weeks.” Ikissed her thoroughly, reassuring her through my actions as well as my words that this wasn’tan accusation. “Ibrought it up because Ihad my home stocked up and Iwould like to cook for you.”

At the mention of food, her stomach grumbled again. Catching her hand faster than she could, Ipulled her to my body and covered her face with kisses instead of her palm.

“Ihear you. Dinner at my place.”

She nodded into my chest, her body shaking with soft laughter.

Then an idea struck me. “What would you say if Ioffered to invite my friend Zach to join us?”

Since Zach and my talk weeks ago, Ihadn’tbrought Erin up in our conversations. Admitting Iliked her to someone other than myself could’ve been the fast route to getting my hopes up higher than they already were, and possibly having my heart crushed.

As Iheld Erin in my arms, Ifelt it safe to say the doubts were gone and Iwanted Zach to meet her, to see for himself what an incredible woman she was in person.

“You want me to meet your friends?” Her eyes grew larger.

“Technically, my only friend.” Ileaned in and kissed her forehead again, gravitated to her by an invisible force. “But yes, Ido.”

Erin peered up at me, her broad smile lighting up her entire face and making my heart skip abeat. “You’re moving fast.” She remarked with atint of humor.

“Ilike you. I’mold enough to not hold back about what Iwant.” My hands moved over her absentmindedly. “And Iwant you.”

“Oh, you do?”

“Ithink you know Ido.” Her taunting answer deserved an equal reply, and without thinking, as if we’dbeen doing this for years, Iwas on her waist, tickling her.

She fell to her back with me on top of her, her long hair spreading on her sheets, her mouth open, laughter echoing from it and filling my heart. Iadded tickles to theWhat Makes Erin Smilelist.

“Isurrender! Okay!” she yelped, squirming in my arms. “Iknow, Iknow. And Iwant you.”

My palms smoothed over her body, soothing the sensitive skin. “Oh, you do?”

“Very much so.” We gazed at each other, exploring our naked bodies in acaring, familiar way.

“Is there enough food for four?” Erin asked while passing her hands through my hair, brushing through the knots.

“There’splenty for eight if you like.”

“Oh, Ithink four is good.” She laughed softly at my exaggeration. “Iwant to invite Laura—remember her from my stories?”

“Icould never forget the woman who took you in when you were alone.” Iran afinger on her collarbone, my eyes cast downward with shame, since Ichose that exact day to chastise her.

“Out of all the things Itold you about her.” She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek.

“Iremember everything, but nothing was as important as this.” Ipulled her atad closer, feeling her heartbeat against mine.

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