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“You are my equal, you’ve never been anything less.” His nostrils flared. “Fuck. I’msorry. You’re perfect, you’re incredible, this has absolutely nothing to do with you.”

His breath, coming out in short, hot puffs, blew against my skin, filling my lungs with his air. He searched my gaze for aresponse. Itried, Ireally did, but the lump in my throat made talking hard. What stood at the tip of my tongue was to tell him that Ithought he was incredible too, that Iwanted him and that I’dbeen wanting him for awhile and that after he made me swoon, Iwanted him that much more.

In my desperation to say something, Iuttered aone-word sentence, and even that felt like too much talking. “Okay.”

He cupped my cheek, holding me tight when Ididn’trecoil from him. “After what Ijust said? Okay?”

His lips, framed by his full beard, curved into aknowing grin. Ifroze, ensnared by him.

“Erin…” He tilted his head, leveling his gaze with mine. His eyes smoldered, suffocating me with lust. “You infuriatingly magnificent creature.”

He pulled my face to his, crashing his lips against mine. His kiss was demanding, his hold against my jaw unyielding, pulling me closer. He left me no room to escape.

As if Iwanted to.

Isnapped out of my stunned state and kissed him back, allowing him to angle my head and open my mouth wide for him. Imoaned, grasping on his shirt, pulling on it and pulling him to me. He swiped his tongue along my bottom lip, slowly savoring every inch of me.

His small smile returned, enjoying the torture of my evident urgency.

He wrapped his free arm around me and scooped me up to straddle him. My skirt rested on either side of me, my center positioned directly above the bulge in his pants.

He dragged ahand up and down my back slowly with arough hold, keeping me in place, pressing me closer. He kept it on my hips when he guided me on his length, back and forth. No part of my body remained untouched, uncared for, unconsumed by him.

The intensity of our kiss and the way he moved me didn’tmake the ground beneath me shake; it felt as though we were the fucking earthquake itself.

He tasted me with his tongue, jutted his hips up to increase the friction. Adeep hum reverberated from his chest and Ifelt it all the way down to my sensitive center. The sound echoed in my ears, so wild, so unlike him, so very, very hot.

Itore at his shirt, the buttons popping off and falling on the cushions and from there to the floor. His undershirt frustrated me as Islid my hands inside, needing his skin, his warmth, his strength. As the ache between my legs grew, Ipulled it out of his pants and finally was able to scratch up his hard chest.

Thomas growled, his hands just as desperate to move over me from my cheek to my collarbone to my breasts. He filled his palm with one breast and kneaded my tight nipple through my shirt. The pain was so sweet, and Icried in his mouth, pushing myself lower onto him, grinding and pressing myself to his length as it swelled beneath me.

He dominated me through his kiss and it felt right, too right. Iknew with absolute certainty that if Ilet afew more seconds pass with my lips pressed against his, I’dnever want to leave. Idrew back but not away, letting my head drop to his shoulder.

My body couldn’tstop swaying, slowly, painfully, agonizingly on him while he sucked on my exposed neck. His mouth seared my skin, burning and healing me.

Iwanted to stay here forever.

Icould’ve stayed here forever.

And Iprobably would’ve too.

You’re my brown-eyed girl…do you remember when we used to sing SHALALALALA

Laura’sringtone. Laura who worked until very late. Laura, who Iguessed wanted to check on me after the dinner.

Her call made me pause. Itwisted my head from Thomas’sglorious face, halting my movements. The more the phone rang, the more Iwas reminded of how wrong it was to do what we were doing.

Thomas dug his fingers into the flesh of my butt when Idrew away. “Don’tanswer.” He tucked his palm in my hair, rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

“What’swrong?” He moved his head back when Istill didn’tmove after the phone was silenced.

“This, us, it’swrong.” Itried regaining control of my breath. “I’mnot ready and you’re my boss. It’swrong. So wrong.”

Ishuffled to my feet, looking for my purse. Thomas got up and watched me as Imoved around the living room. He didn’tforce me to stay, and Iwalked out, standing at the top of the stairs, the chilly wind playing with my skirt as it blew around me. It dawned on me that Imissed his warmth.

But Icouldn’tdo it.

“See you Monday.” Ilooked at him one final time before rushing down the staircase.

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