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“Most of the time, yes. He helps the roadies, the managers, and so on. We’ve been together so long, I can’t imagine it any other way.”

Family talk. The “sads,” as I called them were sneaking around, threatening to swallow me up like they sometimes did.

But now was not the time. I was with Maizy, and I wanted to know her better. In a variety of different ways.

“Were you close growing up?” she asked.

“Pretty close. I mean, he’s five years younger. But when my dad died, I had to take him in.”

“Wow. Sorry to hear you lost your dad. But Penn seems like a great guy.”

I looked down into my beer. “Yeah, he is. And he’s forgiven me.”

“For what?” she asked.

Oh. She didn’t know. I thought everyone knew about the low point of my life.

“I was driving and got into an accident. Penn and I made it.” Christ, I still choked up when I talked about it.

She studied me with those gorgeous eyes.

“Oh. I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks. Yeah. Dad didn’t make it. My fault.”

“Maizy, you’re up,” the DJ called, scanning the room for my girl.

Shit, did I just say my girl?

She squeezed my hand and stood, running for the stage like a damn rock star in her sexy skinny jeans and high-heeled boots. She took the mic from the previous singer and smiled, looking around the room.

She was a freaking natural.

The music started, and I instantly recognized the song. Shit, I’d sung that song before.

Imagine by John Lennon.

You’ve got to love a girl who likes John Lennon.

She closed her eyes and took a breath before she belted out the first line. And holy shit, did she nail it.

Would it have been weird if I just proposed to her? Right there in that bar?

Because I was tempted.

As she hit all her notes with near-perfection, I was spellbound. It wasn’t every day you came across a beautiful, smart woman who could freaking sing.

She swayed through the song, closing her eyes during the chorus, and I swear I got a bit choked up.

I was definitely turning into a big ol’ pussy.

On her way back to the table, the DJ stopped her, probably to tell her what a great job she’d done. She was all smiles. There was nothing like owning a song, something I knew all too well.

“Holy shit, you were awesome!” I said.

“Really? No, you’re pulling my leg.”

I loved her modesty.
