Page 73 of A Million to Stay

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“But that’s just it. I don’t think he made this one. He was fooling himself, thinking he’d never come for you. I saw that. I knew it was only a matter of time. Addison did this right when he was about to break and show up on your doorstep.”

“It takes two to tango.”

He opens his mouth to say something and snaps it back shut. He nods and stands. I watch as a few things cross over his face.

“You have a good night, Chloe. Just think about giving him a real shot. He’s not a bad guy and he’s always loved you. You guys have shit timing, but I think this time you two can make it work.”

“Thanks, Ethan. I’ll think about it.”

I do think on his words long after he’s left me sitting in the kitchen. I think about it for so long, I’m lost in thought when Brodi and his mom return.

“Hey, how was the playdate?”

“The little munchkin passed out on me.”

“It was probably from all of the excitement of having you all to herself.”

“How was dinner with your mom?”


“That sounds interesting.”

He turns and sneezes loudly. I frown. I’ve never seen this man get sick. Granted, I’ve only been around him in six-month intervals.

“Excuse me. Sorry.”

“Bless you. I have some black seed oil in the refrigerator. You’re welcome to take some.”

He waves me off. “I’m fine.”

“Says the man with the red nose. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I look at him more closely and he doesn’t look so well. His eyes are a little watery, his nose has turned red in the short time since he entered the kitchen.

“I’ll be fine. Nothing a glass of brandy can’t knock out. Want to have a drink with me?”

I get ready to say no but think of Ethan’s words. If it weren’t for Chloe, would I have been able to forgive Brodi by now? I don’t know. That time in my life felt like I’d never get over it. I loathed myself as much as I hated him for so long.

I look down at my hands, spotting paint on my fingers. Once Ally left for college, I didn’t think I’d paint again because the inspiration was gone, now I get lost in the studio for hours all because this man opened that door again.

“Okay, sure, why not?” I say, thinking I should at least try to spend time with him outside the dates designed to win me back.

We go to the sitting room and he pours us both a drink. I smile as he hands me a glass of clear liquor, not the brown drink he’s having. I take a sip and find it’s a smooth tequila, just what I like.

Brodi has never been into light liquor. I remember his preferences, although I marvel at how much he remembers about mine. He grabs the two decanters and moves to the sofa.

I follow and watch him as he takes a seat across from me. He looks tired and his nose is still red. I finish my drink and hold out my glass for him to refill as he goes to pour another for himself.

“You might be working too hard. You haven’t taken a day off since you returned after we arrived here.”

“Things are different. I oversee more. When I worked for my father, there was always a way to hand things off. Now, if I drop the ball, it falls on Clay or Cane. It causes a ripple effect.”

“I guess I can see that. Do you miss the freedom?”

He snorts. “Working for my father wasn’t freedom. It’s why we can’t be forced back into that life. I’ve lost too much to be forced back into his palms,” he says bitterly while staring into his glass.

“Help me understand. You were never forthcoming with information on your family. What’s so bad about your dad?”
