Page 10 of A Million to Stay

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“Hey, Jerry,” I call to the doorman of my building as I walk through the door he’s holding open for me.

I’ve come a long way from the projects in East New York. I think my mom would be so proud. I know she’d be proud of Sid. My girl is teflon strong.

It’s been a long day. My girl, Sid, has been through hell and back in the last year and a half. I never thought this shit would end.

I’ve been by her side every step of the way. Those assholes at the firm really think I give a fuck who speaks to me and who doesn’t. Sid is my family. She has been my ride or die since day one.

I wasn’t going to turn my back on her. Even if it costs me my job. I have some money saved. Just barely, Ally’s tuition has been kicking my ass, but I’ve made do. I would never tell Sidney that things are a little tighter since we decided to move into our own apartments.

I was the one to push the decision. I thought having her own place would cause her to start to date again. It hasn’t, I can’t say I blame her.

Sid has had some really shitty boyfriends in the past. I just wish she would try to date a little. Especially after all this bullshit.

She could really use a good release. I know I could. I frown at the thought.

It’s been so long since I’ve had sex. I may talk shit to Sid, but my heart hasn’t allowed me to move forward much. I honestly would love a good fuck.

I look into the mirror beside the elevator in my apartment building. I’ve still got it. Guys hit on me all the time.

I just haven’t found one who makes me want to throw caution to the wind and lose control. That’s what I need. I need someone to lose control with.

I can’t remember the last time I got to be reckless. I’ve made my life about Ally after almost ruining everything for us. I don’t have time to be a silly ho.

Maybe, just maybe, once Ally graduates college, I’ll find me a dick to ride the fuck out of. I sigh at my thoughts, running a hand through my hair.

The girl at my salon does wonders. I can never get my unruly red hair this sleek and shiny. She earns her tip every time.

“Ms. Sinclair?” My name is called from behind me.

Looking into the mirror’s reflection, I see a tall guy standing behind me. I turn, lifting a brow as I slowly roll my eyes over him. He’s dressed in a sharp suit and his dark hair is neatly combed back away from his face. His brown eyes are boring, but he’s handsome, nonetheless.

“Yes?” I reply expectantly.

“I’m the executive assistant of Clayton Hennessy. I was asked to deliver this package to you, personally. Inside you will find a letter for you and the other is for a Ms. James. There are also instructions inside.” He holds out a large black envelope to me.

I wrinkle my brows. Clayton Hennessy is that deal, for real. He runs shit around the East and West Coast. His name is known throughout the financial district and business sec altogether. You want to have connections to just about anyone and anything, you make nice with Clayton Hennessy and the world is yours.

I lick my lips at the thought of the doors and opportunities, knowing someone like Clayton could offer. All this shit with Sidney was like watching a witch hunt. There may be a verdict on her case, but I don’t trust what they’ll try from here.

She says she’s done with the district, but I know Sid. She loves the thrill. She’ll find her way back one way or another.

Clayton has the kind of power to make sure she can. The Hennessy name rings all types of bells. He could help Sid. With that thought, I quickly take the envelope.

Hennessy is embossed on the outside of the large black stock envelope. I reach inside and pull out two black, smaller envelopes. Our names are embossed in the same fancy silver writing, on the outside of each thick black envelope. I open the one addressed to me. My heartbeat pounding.

I’m both excited and nervous at the same time. What if this is another attack on my best friend? I frown at that thought and start to read the letter.

Dear Chloe,

It has come to my attention that you and I both have a few topics of common interest. Sidney James being one of them. In light of her recent victory, I’d like to reach out to celebrate. As you know, my team had a hand in seeing to it things went Sidney’s way. I have a proposal to offer you both.

I’m a man of resources and I’d like to use mine to help you both find a little enjoyment in your lives. I’m well aware that Ms. James may not be on board with this, but I was wondering if you would be so kind as to persuade her to join you for an evening at my club.

Please ensure she receives the letter I’ve sent. I insist the two of you join me. One does not work without the other. I will see you both, tomorrow evening at Club Dream. Rest assured; I will make it worth both of your time.

