Page 26 of Jock

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Sure enough, as I grew closer, I heard two girls shouting at each other like they were in the middle of a fight to the death.

Jesus Christ, I thought. Up here? On this floor?

It was probably a couple of skanks one of the other rich guys staying up here had brought up from downtown, or some “classy” escorts hopped up on drugs or booze who were acting like idiots. But as I walked, I realized the voices were coming from my room.

“What the hell?” I growled as I came to my door and knocked. “Hey! What the fuck’s going on in there?!”

I didn’t have my key. I’d given it to Kylie. Was that her inside?

“Trent!” she screamed back from the other side. “Trent!”

“Kylie!? Kylie, what’s going on in there!?”

“This bitch, Devaney!” she screeched. “She’s—she’s—”

Devaney!? Here!?

“Kylie!?” I roared, shouldering the door with everything I had. But the thing didn’t budge. “Kylie! Are you all right!?”

“Give it back, bitch!” That was Devaney’s voice. I heard the sound of a slap and someone hitting the floor.

“Kylie!” I charged the door again like it was the front line of the opposite team’s defense. I heard the wood crack, but it still held strong. “Kylie are you—!?”

Then the door swung open to reveal Kylie, her shorts torn, her face and hair a complete mess, with a fresh scratch mark bleeding on the side of her neck. But despite all that, she had a massive smile on her face. She was absolutely beaming.

“Trent!” she cried out, throwing herself into my arms. “I did it!”

“Did what?” I asked as I caught her and held her tight.

I looked past her and saw Devaney lying on the ground, propping herself up on one elbow, wiping blood from her lip. If Kylie looked like she was in rough shape, Devaney looked twice as bad.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I growled. “Devaney, what are you—?”

“She came to set us both up,” Kylie said quickly. I let her down and she waved a cell phone triumphantly in the air. “She’s been stalking us—me—taking photos. I ran into her in the elevator, didn’t know who she was, but heard her stupid bimbo friend talking in the elevator, so I came up here and opened the door and—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I interrupted. “Slow down. What—?”

“I got the bitch’s phone,” she smiled. “All the evidence of her stalking you and me, incriminating text messages, even video messages she sent to her friends explaining what she was doing. It’s all on here!”

Holy shit!

If there had been any question in my mind as to whether or not I was in love with this girl, it was now gone.

I fucking loved Kylie. That was all there was to it.

“You are incredible,” I said as I marveled at just how gorgeous she still looked, even after looking like she’d just finished a WWE wrestling match.

“I know,” she giggled, doing a faux curtsey. I heard another elevator ding behind me and turned around to see three police and one hotel security step into the hall.

“Oh, I also called the co

ps!” she laughed.

“I fucking love you,” I told her without even thinking. Her eyes bugged out, but just for a second.

“You—you do?”

I kissed her on the lips, ready to take her right there in the hallway in front of everyone.

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