Page 26 of Unexpected Love

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“Hey, little man,” I crooned to Tucker in a soft voice as I stared down at him in his crib. I’d tried putting him down for the night thirty minutes ago, but he was fighting going down with all his might. “You’re trying to hold out until Daddy’s back home, aren’t you?”

Jonah had a dinner meeting tonight; one he’d reluctantly gone to when I’d practically shoved him out the door two and a half hours ago. My husband, for a whole six weeks now— he’d hauled me down the aisle three days after my birthday—preferred to work from home as much as possible so he was close to Tucker and me. Even though he didn’t need to get work done around Tucker’s sleep schedule anymore because I was always around to take care of our son, Jonah still limited the time he spent in the office. He also avoided evening appointments like the plague, but the deal he was currently working on was super near to closing and the owner of the company, who had several patents he wanted to acquire, didn’t have another opening in his calendar for two more weeks.

“Normally, I’d be all for you staying up to get Daddy cuddles tonight because seeing the two of you together is one of my absolute favorite things in the world.” It always made my ovaries explode—which was a huge part of why I was so anxious for Tucker to be asleep when Jonah got home. I couldn’t wait to share my news with him, and I had a feeling I was going to blurt it out right when he walked in the door. “But maybe you could help me out this one time so Mommy and Daddy can celebrate my surprise in a very adult way before we share it with anyone else, even you.” Tucker babbled at me with a sweet smile on his precious face before he stuffed his fist into his mouth. “I’m going to take that as a yes, sweetie pie. So close your eyes and go nighty night.”

His slobbery fist slid up his cheek to rub at his sleepy eyes. He lifted his other hand and stuck his tiny thumb into his mouth. His head turned to the side, and I stroked my fingers through his super soft hair until he drifted off to sleep. Then I slowly tiptoed out of his room and softly shut the door behind me. When I made it to the bottom step, the front door flung open, and Jonah called out, “Baby, I’m home!”

His greeting was a little corny, but my hubby was confident enough to pull it off. Not that it would’ve bothered him if he wasn’t because Jonah was unapologetic about how much he loved me. He didn’t care if someone else had a problem with it. The only thing that mattered to Jonah was my and Tucker’s happiness. Everything he did demonstrated his commitment to our family, which was why I was so excited to share my news with him.

Launching myself at him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he caught me. “Guess what?”

“Hmm,” he hummed before his mouth dropped down to mine. My lips parted, and his tongue swept inside. By the time he lifted his head, my panties were damp, and I was grinding against his hard length. “I can come up with a few guesses, but I’m willing to bet they wouldn’t be right.”

“Guesses?” I echoed, blinking my eyes open as I shook my head.

“Yeah, baby.” His blue eyes twinkled with humor. “You said you wanted me to guess something, remember?”

I grinned at him as the sensual fog cleared from my brain, at least a little bit. “Yes, but then you kissed my thoughts out of my head. Your lips should be registered as a lethal weapon because this is the kind of news a woman shouldn’t be able to forget, not even for a minute.”

His head jerked back in surprise. “Is everything okay?” His hold tightened on me as he strode toward the living room. “I knew I never should’ve agreed to that damn dinner meeting.”

“My news isn’t bad,” I reassured him as he sat down on the couch and settled me on his lap. Cuddling against his chest, I whispered, “In fact, it’s good. Really, really good. Great even.”

Jonah pressed one long finger against the bottom of my chin and tilted my head up. “What is it, angel?”

I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes as I answered, “I’m pregnant.”

Jonah’s eyes filled with awe as his body tensed and his arms locked around me. “You’re pregnant?”

“Yeah,” I confirmed, reaching into my back pocket to pull out the test I’d taken while he was at his meeting. “While I was making Tucker’s dinner, it hit me that my period is two days late. So I did a quick order from the store, and as soon as it was delivered, I peed on this little stick.”

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