Page 21 of Unexpected Love

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My expression hardened, and I stared her down with steely determination. “After leaving Penelope in the situation you did last month, I don’t think I owe you any kind of explanation. However, since Penelope cares what you think, I’ll lay it all out for you.”

Mallory gasped with outrage, but I saw the guilt that flashed in her eyes. “I didn’t mean…that won’t happen again. I can protect my sister.”

“That may be true, but now you won’t have to worry about proving it.” She opened her mouth, but I raised my voice and kept talking. “Whatever you think you know about your sister, I assure you, you’re wrong.”

“And you think you know her?” she spat.

“Yes.” That seemed to shock her into silence for a moment, so I continued. “Penelope’s hopes and dreams are for her to share, but I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to make sure every single one of them come true. She belongs with me, and from now on, that’s where she will be.”

“I’m not going to let her—”

“She’s eighteen, Mallory.” About fucking time. “You don’t get to ‘let’ her do anything.”

“But what if she doesn’t—”

“She does,” I interrupted firmly. Despite my anger, I knew Mallory genuinely cared for her sister, so I gave her more than I’d originally intended. “I love her, Mallory. And I promise that I will make her happy.”

We stared each other down for a few minutes before she finally glanced away with a huff. “Fine. Penelope is eighteen. So I’m going to let her decide whether to have you arrested or committed. But I’ll be here for her if she decides to do either of those things.” She pointed a finger at me and snarled, “If you hurt her, Carrington, I swear to all that is holy, I will put my foot so far up your ass, you’ll choke on the red soles of my sharpest Louboutins. Is that clear?”

I nodded. That was fair. “Crystal.” Mallory huffed before spinning around and marching out of the townhouse.

Glad to have that over, I glanced at my watch to check the time. I had just over two hours until Penelope arrived.

“Sir?” One of the movers stood in front of me, holding out a clipboard. “That’s everything you indicated should be moved. Sign here, and you’re all set.”

I scrawled my signature and gave him a hefty tip, then got out of their way while they cleared out. After they were gone, I filled up the spaces I’d emptied with Penelope’s belongings. Then I grabbed a quick shower and started heating up the dinner I’d had delivered from a small bistro that she loved.

* * *

“Jonah?” This time, the sound of my name being called out from the entryway had lust pulsing through my body.

I pushed myself off the wall next to the bay window in the living room, where I’d been watching in the shadows for her arrival. She peeked her head through the arched doorway just as I was taking the remaining steps across the room, bringing us face to face. “Hello, angel,” I murmured as my eyes soaked in the sight of her. She was wearing a fitted white summer dress that had yellow flowers all over it, was held up by two tiny straps on each shoulder, and hung to just above her knees. Her silky auburn curls floated around her makeup-free face, and her yellow-tipped feet were encased in strappy white sandals. She looked fresh and young, and at the same time, she was the sexiest woman I’d ever seen.

The freedom from holding myself back left me wide open to all the emotions and desires I felt for her, and when I spoke again, I didn’t bother to hide any of it. “Happy birthday, Penelope.” There was a wealth of meaning in those words, and even though she didn’t yet know what they conveyed about this night and the changes about to happen, she seemed to feel the thickness in the air. She looked at me curiously for a moment, then shuffled nervously before she smiled shyly and dropped her gaze to the floor. Those sweet pink spots that I loved appeared, and I swallowed hard as blood pooled in my groin.

“Thank you.” When she lifted her head, she seemed to suddenly notice that I was taking up all her personal space, and she took a step back. My hand snaked around her waist, and I hauled her up against me. I was done with the distance between us. She gasped, and I almost swallowed the sound with my mouth but stopped myself at the last second, knowing we needed to talk before my hunger for her consumed me.

I reluctantly released her body but laced our fingers together and led her over to a loveseat where I gestured for her to sit down. I planted myself next to her and debated settling her on my lap but decided against it. It would only make it harder to keep my hands off her for the time being. “It’s time to make some changes.” I didn’t bother easing into anything. I’d waited long enough.

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