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“It isn’t possible,” she denied.

“Oh, Lilah.” He kissed her eyelids gently. “Just wait.”

Another woman might have thought his confidence bordered on arrogant, but then again, Will knew how to deliver. Lilah had no doubt that every promise he made would be carried out. She cupped his cheeks to hold his face level with hers. “And what can I do for you?” She fluttered her eyes lower, lest he see her desperate need to please him revealed in their depths.

“You’re already doing it,” he said gently. He kissed her neck, running his hands through her hair. “You just need to promise to tell me if you’re uncomfortable.”

“I’m fine,” she said, pushing away the doubts that were lingering in her mind. No one needed to know about this. If Kiral did, he’d certainly have Will thrown in prison on some ancient law. This had to stay between them.

She watched as he stepped out of his boxer shorts and reached for the jeans he’d discarded. His wallet was in the back pocket and he pulled a line of foil out of it. She squinted and then flushed. Condoms. A lot. How often did he do this?

It was an unwelcome and unworthy thought. She had seduced him. She had begged him to take her virginity. So what if he had a host of lovers in his past? In that cabin, and that bed, it was just the two of them.

Lilah was powerless to look away as he unfurled a condom over his length. God, he was enormous.

Panic briefly flared in her breast but the second her eyes lifted to his, it was dispensed with and only fierce, impatient desire remained.

“Are you sure about this, honey?”

She smiled at the name. “Absolutely.”


He couldn’t

believe how nervous he was.

Will Wright didn’t do nerves. He was ‘ice-man’ to his friends. The journalist who’d embedded into some of the most brutal war-zones and kept a level-head through just about everything that was thrown at them. At least, until that last night.

He’d picked up women as easily as some men picked up shoes, and he’d never once felt this almost-paralysing anxiety.

He kissed her lips gently, aiming to reassure her, and himself as well.

“Absolutely sure?”

Her laugh was like bells in the breeze. “Stop asking me that, would you?”

He nodded. He couldn’t smile. He moved closer to her entrance and felt her still beneath him.

“Will?” Her eyes blinked up at his, and he hesitated. “I do want this. With you. I know I barely know you, and yet … I feel the opposite. I feel that this is meant to happen with us.” She coloured a little at the uncharacteristically spiritual interpretation of events. Her uncle would have appreciated her faith in the stars and fates.

Will nodded, and he pushed just a small way into her warm heart, watching her face for the smallest sign of pain or discomfort.

“You won’t break me,” she promised.

He shook his head. “God, Lilah, I want this. I want you. But I can’t help feeling that you deserve so much better.”

Panic gripped her heart. “Don’t say that.”

“You have waited until now, surely not by accident. I don’t care what you say; there must have been opportunities before this …”

“Perhaps if I’d met someone who made me feel as you do I might have sought out the opportunities more astutely. But I didn’t. Until yesterday I had no idea someone could simply look at you and bring you to life.” She curved her hands around his back, marveling at his smooth, warm skin. “I had no idea that I could want to be with a person so badly that it would feel as though I am jumping out of my skin. This has been me, all morning, Will. I have been watching you and feeling like my own heart was going to race away from me.”

He nodded, unable to smile. “Me too.”

“Then do not question what this is, and how we feel. Tomorrow we will face the music, but for now … there is only this.”

What the hell is wrong with you! He mentally berated himself, pushing a little further. She dug her nails into his shoulder and arched her hips, as an instinctive dance weaved through her soul. The movements were familiar because of her femininity and her rightness to marry her body to his.

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