Page 19 of Bedded by a Playboy

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The woman was a major complication—one he definitely didn’t need. Over the last few days, his mind had strayed to thoughts of her without warning. The minute he’d seen her again, he’d had to admit he’d missed her. The woman looked good enough to eat and, now he knew what she tasted like, it was hard to resist taking another bite.

He heard her step into the apartment and close the door, but concentrated on washing his hands and pouring himself a long, cold glass of water.

If Emmy’s sweet, uncomplicated affection was getting to him, it was nothing compared to the effect the kid’s auntie was having on him. And one thing was for sure, his thoughts in that direction were a lot more dangerous. He turned, appreciating the way her hips moved as she walked into the room.

‘Emmy’s certainly taken a shine to you,’ she murmured.

‘I’ve taken a shine to her, too. She’s a great kid.’ He raised his glass. ‘Do you want a glass of water? It’s all I’ve got.’

‘That would be nice.’

‘No problem.’ He pulled another glass from the cabinet above the sink and filled it. ‘Here you go.’

She took the glass, her hand trembling as their fingers touched.

Her eyes met his and he watched as the heat crept into her cheeks. Yep, it was going to be near on impossible to keep his hands off her now.

Jessie took a hasty gulp of water and spluttered as the cold liquid hit the back of her throat.

‘You okay there, Red?’ His voice was low and intimate.

He put his hand on her back and rubbed. She was positive she could feel the calluses on his fingers through the thin cotton of her dress and she shivered. Get a grip, woman.

‘I’m finished, Uncle Roe.’

The little girl skipped back into the room, unaware of the tension that sizzled between the two adults.

‘All clean?’ Monroe said the words to Emmy but kept his eyes on Jessie.

‘Yes, look.’ Emmy held up her hands for Monroe’s inspection. Jessie released the breath she’d been holding as he turned to look at the little girl.

‘Good job.’

Emmy ran up and grabbed hold of his leg. ‘Can I come back tomorrow? Can I? Can I?’

He ruffled the little girl’s curly brown hair. ‘Sure, if you want to and your mom says it’s okay.’

‘We better be going, Emmy.’ Jessie reached for her niece’s hand, but the little girl continued to cling onto her uncle. ‘Lunch is already on the table.’

‘Okay.’ Emmy let go reluctantly and put her hand in Jessie’s.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow, kid.’ Hearing the affection in Monroe’s voice, seeing the warm way he rested his hand on Emmy’s shoulder, Jessie felt a sharp surge of guilt.

She had no right to keep this man from bonding with his family.

So what if she couldn’t stop blushing every time she saw him? So what if she couldn’t seem to forget that kiss? From what she could gather, Linc and Ali and Emmy were the only family Monroe Latimer had. Not giving him Ali’s dinner invitation suddenly seemed both cowardly and selfish.

‘Ali wondered if you’d like to come over for dinner tonight,’ Jessie blurted out. She saw surprise flash in his eyes, but he said nothing. ‘We’re having a barbecue. Linc’s doing steaks…’ Her voice trailed off when Monroe remained silent.

‘Come, come, come.’ Emmy jumped up and down as she sang the words. Jessie was grateful that her niece had picked up the ball, but could see Monroe was still hesitating.

‘I don’t know.’ He sounded oddly unsure of himself.

‘We’d all love to have you there,’ Jessie said, surprised to realise she meant it.

His gaze intensified. ‘You would, huh?’

‘We would, we would, we would,’ Emmy sang again. He gave her a quick grin before he looked back at Jessie.

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