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WAZZA KNOCKED ON the door and waited. Bare feet padded across the wooden floor inside, and then the door opened. Kee stood there, long hair tumbling over her shoulders, down over her breasts. Curly and slightly wild, it was a shock to see it out of the normal long braid she always wore. Holy shitpile, she looked gorgeous, in a just-got-out-of-bed, casual sort of way. He let his gaze linger, but that was a mistake. He felt his cock begin to stand to attention. Not a good way to start the morning. And not a good thing with a small child around.

He cleared his throat. “Good morning. How did you sleep?”

“Great, thank you. This place is amazing. Absolutely… amazing.”

Sometimes he forgot he lived on a luxury resort. People paid shitloads of money to come and stay here. And these cabins were the epitome of opulence. His own dorm room in the staff quarters was well laid out, large, with plenty of space, solid wooden furniture, and air conditioning, much nicer than other places he’d worked. But nothing like these cabins, that had a rustic luxury renowned throughout the country. Kee probably had never stayed anywhere quite like this before.

“Yes, they are,” he agreed.

A face appeared around the side of Kee’s legs, Akubra already on her head. “Hello, Mr. Cowboy.”

“His name is Wazza,” Kee reminded her.

“I know,” Benni replied with a giggle.

“I’ve got something Benni might like to see.” Wazza said, meeting Kee’s gaze and holding his breath, hoping she’d come with him.

“Don’t you have work to do? I don’t want to intrude or get in the way.” Kee’s eyes became shuttered, and he knew what she really meant was that she didn’t want to get him in trouble with the boss. More trouble with his boss.

“You won’t,” he assured her. “The thing I want to show you is in the shed, where I’m working today.”

“We’ll need to get our shoes on.” Kee still seemed hesitant.

“I don’t mind waiting.” Taking a chance, he mouthed the word, “Puppies,” over the top of Benni’s head. Kee’s eyes widened, and a smile lit up her lips. Who didn’t like puppies? They were a winner every time. He took a step back, ready to sit on one of the cane chairs on the front porch until they were ready.

“Come in.” She held the door open wider. His gut fluttered as he squeezed past her, brushing her shoulder. That was mistake number two. She smelled wonderful, like she’d just stepped out of the shower, and he wanted to lean in and taste her. Run his hands through all that glorious, dark hair. Quickly, he took a seat at the end of the couch, putting distance between them. And hopefully hiding his reaction, at least from Benni.

Benni bounced around like the proverbial bunny Kee had nicknamed her after. “Look, Wazza,” she said, handing him a gum leaf. “I found this on the back step this morning.” She peered down at the leaf in his hand and then back up at his face, sheer delight in her eyes.

“It’s beautiful,” he agreed.

“Get your shoes from under the bed, missy,” Kee commanded. Then, when Benni disappeared into the main bedroom, she said, “Sorry. Benni loves to collect things from nature.”

“Not a problem. I’m a nature lover myself. Among other things.” His gaze rested on her slim, brown legs, enjoying the view, and letting her know exactly what he was thinking. The tips of her ears turned pink, and she puckered her lips, frowning at him. She might’ve intended it as a form of rebuff at the obvious lechery in his smile, but to Wazza it made her lips look all the more like a rosebud. Plump and inviting. Oh shit. He needed to stop thinking like this; there was a young girl in the house.

Kee turned and marched into the bedroom, saying, “What is keeping you, young lady?” And he blew out on a breath of relief. He sat back on the plush, leather couch, glancing around at the living room. Kee and her daughter had made themselves at home. Well, at least Benni had. There were toys all over the rug, and a couple of half-dressed Barbie dolls on the opposite couch with tiny clothing scattered all around; there was even a set of small, plastic farm animals arranged up on top of the bookshelf in a circle, as if they were all having an intimate conversation. Wazza smiled to himself. So, this was what it was like to have a small girl around.

He hadn’t had much time to see Kee or Benni yesterday afternoon. The lodge was almost full with the eight newly arrived guests, and only two cabins left unoccupied. Which wasn’t unusual, this was the busiest time of the year, but it meant the staff were often run off their feet, having to multi-task and multi-skill. Steve had needed him in the stables—the farrier was shoeing some horses—while his boss and Dale took the guests on a hike up the escarpment. Then later that afternoon, Skylar had Wazza helping her with the trimmer around her orchard and veggie patch, keeping the weeds down. Her kitchen garden was an important part of the station, it provided many of the fresh ingredients she needed to produce her extraordinary food creations. But it was all part of the job, and Wazza enjoyed the fact that each day was different. No humdrum, nine-to-five job for him. It meant he only had time to quickly poke his head in the cabin door to make sure Kee had everything she needed, before he had to help Alek set up tables and chairs on the grass by the billabong, so the guests could dine outside in the wonderfully balmy air that night. The guests always raved about the outdoor dinner, said it was one of the most special experiences. Strings of fairy lights were strung up between eucalyptus trees, and the tables were lit with flaming torches surrounding them. With the stars twinkling in the crystal skies above, Wazza agreed it was a pretty remarkable thing to do, and one of the many reasons Stormcloud was so extraordinary. He’d asked Kee to join them, but she’d politely declined, saying that she and Benni were going to have a quiet night in the cabin together. It’d been a hectic day, and she needed time to think. Which he guessed was fair enough. And he thought he’d hidden his disappointment perfectly well behind his smile. Because he would’ve liked to spend more time with Kee. As much time as she’d give him. And she would’ve absolutely loved eating out under the stars.

Kee and Benni returned to the living room, breaking Wazza out of his musing. Wazza was glad to see Kee wearing the tan hat he’d given her the other day, her hair tied back in its usual braid. And of course, Benni still wore her blue one with pride.

“We’re ready,” Kee said.

“Great.” Wazza sprang from the couch and opened the door. “I can give you a tour around the rest of the lodge on the way, if you like?”

Again, Kee hesitated. Wazza wished she’d just get over whatever it was that made her not want to be seen to be taking advantage of him. As if she didn’t deserve his help. He wouldn’t have offered if he hadn’t meant it.

“Sure,” she said eventually. “Benni’s been nagging me to take her down to that beautiful lake all morning. But I wasn’t sure if we were allowed.”

“Well, that’s the first place we’re going,” he said gallantly.

“Yippee,” Benni squealed. The sound was bright and happy and shocked Wazza for a second. Stormcloud was an adults only resort, so it wasn’t often that children’s voices were heard around the lodge. It was one more thing that’d surprised Wazza, just how readily Daniella had let the two strangers stay, even though having a child on the property went against her strict policies. Either Daniella was suffering an episode, or she might finally be starting to soften her principles. With age came wisdom, wasn’t that what they said? Perhaps Daniella secretly wanted grandchildren, and this was her way of scratching that itch.

“This way,” Wazza directed them down the slope and across the lush grass in front of the lodge toward the billabong lower down. Kee took Benni’s hand, and they walked along beside him. Then Benni slipped her hand into his. It was done unconsciously, without guile or any thought of consequence, but Wazza’s heart skipped a beat. Her hand was small and warm, and oh, so terribly innocent. She skipped along beside him, heedless of what was going on inside his chest, the upheaval of emotions. It brought thoughts of Karri and little Ava to the front of his mind. Would he have made a good father?

He glanced over at Kee, wondering what she thought of her daughter’s action. Benni’s trust in him was implicit. But Kee was still holding back. Kee caught his eye from beneath the brim of her hat, her gaze unreadable, leaving him unsure what she felt about it all. Even after that kiss that’d nearly scorched his brain yesterday in the meeting room, Kee seemed to have withdrawn into herself again.

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