Page 101 of When the Ice Melts

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There wasn’t much tosay. Addisyn sat on a hard metal bench inside the terminal at Chicago-O’Hare. She checked the clock on the wall. Her flight would probably be called in the next ten minutes.

She sneaked a glance at Darius, sitting beside her. His mouth was a straight line. The sadness in his expression spilled over into her heart. She reached over and touched his hand.

He turned and mustered a smile. When he met her gaze, she could see that the sadness she’d sensed was mingled with hope. He took her hand and squeezed it tightly. “I’ll miss you.” The words were soft, so soft they sounded loud against the backdrop of the terminal hubbub.

“I know.” Addisyn held his hand tighter, gazed deeper into his eyes. He had such a sterling soul.

“I wish I could come back to Whistler with you.” She looked out across the mobs of people swarming in the dome. She was not going to cry. “But—I can’t.”

“Hey.” Darius’s voice was soft, kind. Gently he placed two fingers on her chin and turned her face back toward him. “It’s okay.” He gave her one of his lopsided smiles. “I understand. This is something you have to do.”

“Yes.” Addisyn nodded. With everything in her, she knew that to be true. This next step in her journey was not optional.

She and Darius had talked for hours. He’d told her his story, and she’d shared more of hers. She’d also talked to God—and she was starting to believe He was truly listening, the way Darius insisted He was.

And finally, she’d decided that to fully embrace the light, to completely deaden the darkness, she needed to return to where she’d made her first mistake, where she’d initially veered the few degrees off course that had ultimately placed her on such a lost and lonely trajectory.

She had to make amends with Avery.

“Call me every now and then. ‘K?” Darius’s eyes looked watery. Addisyn blinked. If he started crying, she surely would.

“Right.” She couldn’t drag her eyes from his face. She wanted to soak in enough of his presence to saturate her mind with him, to last her through the long days ahead without him. “You too.”

A voice echoed over the loudspeaker. Flight 2037 to New York City. Addisyn stood up reluctantly. “Well.” She gave a shaky laugh, not sure what to do with her hands. “Guess that’s my flight.”

“Yeah.” Darius stood too. Awkwardly they faced each other for a moment.

“You know I’ll be praying for you.”

Tears did fill her eyes then. “I know.”

“Don’t forget about grace. God’s grace.” Darius’s lips quivered. He reached out and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Don’t forget about second chances. And mercy. And love.”

Addisyn ducked her head. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, but they were healing, purifying tears. “I won’t.”

Darius pulled her to him in a strong embrace. Addisyn buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. How on earth could she leave this man? She’d miss him with every heartbeat. She needed him, needed his gentle strength, his quiet love. She needed him to help her remember how to love—not only others, but also God...and herself.

She needed him to help her heal.

“Darius.” She whispered his name into his shirt front. “It’s not too late...I can change my flight...go back to Whistler with you.” She raised her tear-streaked face to his, searching for safety in his eyes.

“Shh.” He gently traced her cheek with his fingers as if trying to memorize her soul. “You have to go.”

Her spirit could protest, but she knew he was right. “Yes.”

This time she took the lead. Stretching onto her tiptoes, she raised her face to his. Now when their lips met, there was none of the doubt and fear that had ripped them apart before. There was no darkness anymore, no shadows lurking in the wings.

Nothing except light, and two people who were learning to walk in it after believing lies of darkness for so long.

Finally Darius pulled back. “Be safe, Addisyn.”

“You too.”

Gently he released her from his arms. “God go with you.”

“And with you.” She wiped her eyes and smiled at him—a simple, brave smile. She didn’t want him remembering her tears.
