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“What’s that?” Emmie asks at lunch, lowering herself to the other side of the bench.

I glance at the item I’m twisting around under the table and smile.

“Switchblade,” I answer honestly.

“Should you… uh… have that in school?”

I shrug. “It’s not mine. I stole it off Seb this morning.”

Her brows lift. “So that was what the intense eye contact was about in the common room.”

“Something like that. I’m waiting to see what he comes up with to get it back.”

“Fair enough,” she mutters, spearing a fry with her fork and shoving it into her mouth.

Any other girl would ask a million and one questions, or even look a little concerned, but Emmie continues on with her day as if we’re just talking about the weather.

She continues eating her lunch, although mine mostly goes untouched. I’m too up in my head after my interactions with Seb this morning.

I’m pissed at him for the stunt he played with Toby. Why they’re friends, God only knows. Seb is an epic douchecanoe and Toby seems like the sweetest guy I’ve met for a while. Talk about opposites attracting.

My mind drifts back to being inside the car with him earlier and my thighs rub together mindlessly.

It amuses me that he probably thinks I’m walking around with my cunt on display for anyone who cares to look. I’m not, of course. The first thing I did when I got into school was slip into the bathroom and pull out the spare pair of panties I had in my cheer bag.

He’s more than welcome to the pair I threw at him. Another memento of our time together.

It makes me wonder what he did with the pair he ripped off me in the graveyard. Maybe he’s one of those kinky dudes who keeps the panties of all the girls he rails in the top drawer of his dresser.

I wonder how many of Teagan’s he has?

My body cools instantly at the thought.

A shudder rips through me at the memory of her rubbing up against his body in the common room this morning as if she needed to mark her territory.

“Look out, incoming bitch at twelve o’clock.”

“Fucking hell,” I mutter, not bothering to turn to look at her approach.

Did I fucking silently summon her or something?

A shadow falls over both of us as Teagan and her puppies come to a stop at the end of our table.

Still, I keep my eyes downcast, as does Emmie, which amuses me greatly. Although Teagan has a different opinion if her irritated scoff is anything to go by.

After long seconds, I turn to look at her, although I let it be more than known that I really don’t have the energy for it.

“I’m sorry, can we help you?” I ask, sounding bored. “If you’re looking for your owner, I haven’t seen him since this morning.”

Her face burns bright red, much to my amusement.

“Miss Peterson would like to welcome you to the gym team,” she forces out between gritted teeth.

“Oh yeah?” I ask with a wide accomplished smile. It seems like my day just keeps getting better and better. “Tell her I can’t wait. And if she needs a new captain at any point, I’m more than willing to step up.”

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