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I stand with my hands on the counter and my head hanging in defeat as he continues to pound on my door. It rattles like he’s trying to get inside, and my heart jumps into my throat.

I might want the truth, but not like this. I don’t want to be screaming at him, forcing it from his lips.

This isn’t how any of this was meant to go.

It’s almost fifteen minutes later when he finally gives up and leaves. And if I thought being kept in the dark by him was bad, I have to confess that hearing him walk away fucking wrecks me.

Turning the shower off, I make my way back to my bed, pushing the bag Seb brought to the floor and curling up under my covers.

I’ve got homework to do, loads of it, but I forget it all as I lie there in a ball, letting my mind run wild over everything that’s happened.

My cell pinging in my purse eventually drags me from my thoughts, and I reach over to pull it out.

I find a string of messages from Calli, and I can only assume she’s heard what happened. But it’s not her messages that I open first. It’s the one from Toby that sparks my curiosity.

I was a dick to him earlier. He’d have every right to ignore me.

Toby: I hope you’re okay and that I did the right thing calling him. I’m sorry :(

The sad emoji he puts at the end tugs at my heartstrings, and I can’t help but respond.

Stella: I’m sorry too.

When he doesn’t immediately reply, I read Calli’s messages and lose myself in a conversation with her about the whole event before I turn my light off way earlier than I usually would and without having any dinner, forcing myself to block it all out and go to sleep.

* * *

When I wake the next morning and risk a look out of my curtains, I find my car sitting there as perfect as the day she was delivered. I assume it was Dad’s way of trying to make things right.

Little did he know that it was going to take a hell of a lot more than that.

I discover that he’s gone again when I finally emerge from my room. Irritation flows through me as Angie explains that he won’t be back until late.

It tells me everything I need to know about where his loyalties lie. He really is a Cirillo man through and through. And me… I don’t even know where I stand right now in his line of priorities.

Maybe I should have just stayed in Rosewood.

This place has been nothing but a headache. I had a life there. I had friends.

Although I have Calli, and Emmie even, although she keeps herself just as closed off as I do, I don’t feel at home here. Everyone else hates me and wants me gone.

I let out a heavy sigh.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Angie says softly.

“I just… I don’t think I belong here,” I confess.

Stopping at the counter before me, she reaches across for my hand.

“Things will get easier, sweetie. This is where both you and your dad need to be.”

“Why? Tell me why this is where I should be and maybe I’ll let it go.”

Sympathy covers her face.

“You’ve got to trust him,” she soothes.

“I’m trying,” I snap, jumping from my stool and storming from the house without my morning coffee or any food, again.

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